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Tue, 8 Sep 1998 23:58:22 -0500
Bob Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
Ok, made a goof.  I am not leaving August 9th, but actually Sept.  9th.
While I wish I could have an extra month, I can't actually go backwards in
time.  But if I could....
Also, I have a slight confession to make.  It turns out we've figgured out
the strange viral infection I was suffering from.  Believe it or not, it
was- or rather is -chicken pox.  At one of my stops, some kid gave me
chicken pox.  As an adopted kid, I didn't know if I had them or not, and I
guess I always assumed I did.  Well, I didn't, so now am covered with cute
little pox on my face and chest.  I will never again say, "its only chicken
pox" to any little kid the rest of my life.  Either kids are tough or I am
really a big wimp.  So when you see me in Portland this weekend, you will
know why I am spotted.  I feel silly.  My doctor laughed.  My kids are
still giggling.  I need *someone* to feel sorry for me.  Well, don't worry;
Bob is still bhoring in the spotted variety.
While I am still running a fever as I write this, I shouldn't be infective
by the time I get to Portland.  Even so, those of you with small children
who have NEVER had chicken pox may want to bring them over; better now than
when you are a wimpering old fool...
Regarding the FML thread on name-calling, I want to say that I *know* Dr.
Kemmerer, and she is simply one of the finest and most professional people
I have met.  I would trust her veterinarian advice without hesitation
because she works from the heart.  It hurts her when she loses a patient,
and I know it hurts her to be called names.  I know without a doubt that
whatever advice she gives to anyone is not only backed up with scientific
evidence, but also something she is convinced about.  Talk to her, met her
and you will understand her love of animals outweighs her pocketbook.  For
the enlightenment of those of you that don't know, she does low cost
neutering, houses a ferret shelter, renders free advice and even shelters
and treats some specific wild animals.  Those are NOT the actions of a
person who's sole motivation is profit.  I am proud to call her my friend.
Debate is very important; otherwise how can we tell the good from the bad?
The strength of debate is that the truth comes out; the danger in
name-calling is that the person who knows the truth may be outshouted, and
the rest of us might make a poor decision, harming our ferrets.  Here is a
quick way of telling if you are debating or mud-slinging; does the
statement attack the premise or the person?
Some of you know I come from a Quaker background.  Quakers have a
historical reputation for being slow to sue or procecute, and for advancing
peace whenever possible.  There are other religous and philosophical
traditions that have similar traditions.  Here is some life advice from
those philosophies; if someone offends you, turn your back on them.  Rather
than become mired in public argument that only makes yourself look bad and
solves nothing, just shun the offending person.  A debate needs intelligent
people to discuss both sides of the issue, but an argument only needs
fools.  Shunning a person might be a drastic step, but it is better than
this constant name-calling that creeps into the FML from time to time.  At
least try to treat people as you would treat your ferret.
Bob C and 22 Mo Fert Ferlosophers
[Posted in FML issue 2426]