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Thu, 27 Aug 1998 09:29:42 -0400
"Epstein, Nancy" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hello everyone.  I'm trying to get an appointment with my vet, but maybe
someone on here can help me out too.  I have three ferrets.  I got two of
them about a month ago and I got my first one about a year and a half ago.
The introduction went great!  Rhy-oh-ki accepted Jinx and Thor almost right
away.  He seemed so excited to have other ferrets to play with.  They all
sleep together in the hammock, they chase each other through the tubes etc.
etc.  Rhy-oh-ki has always been a hyper active ferret.  He will barely let
you hold him before he tries to run and play with the other ferrets again.
Until two nights ago.  He was the first one out of the cage, used the
litter box, and then went back to sleep.  Jinx kept trying to wrestle with
him all night, but Rhy-oh-ki would ignore him and just sleep.  I picked
Rhy-oh-ki up and he just laid there in my arms.  This is extremely unusual
for Rh-oh-ki.  Then last night, Rhy-oh-ki was acting the exact same way.
Very lethargic.  Like he has no energy.  I separated him this morning from
the other two ferrets and I did see him eat.  As far as I know my ferrets
are ECE free (haven't seen any green slime poop in any of the litter
boxes).  Hopefully my vet will have a free appointment today.  If you have
any suggestions, please let me know.
Nancy Epstein
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[Posted in FML issue 2414]