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Sat, 22 Aug 1998 00:34:04 -0400
Michelle Nadorozny <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
I know I'm probably on the tail end of this round, but I feel the urge to
come out of lurk mode and post about my four free-roaming ferrets.
My ferrets (age range is 7 mos - 5 1/2 yrs) have always been free-roam.  I
have totally ferret-proofed my basement and kitchen as their area, and they
get to run the rest of my house when they're home.  They've never escaped
(knock on wood), and after three years in this house I'm sure they would
have found the way if there was one.  I live with another responsible adult,
who knows that I value the life of my ferrets more than most people :)  I
don't have a lot of people over, and when I do the ferrets stay in another
area of the house.  I do have two cages: one large 4-story that I put them
in when I clean (they love to try to jump in the mop bucket) or when I can't
secure their area (moving furniture and stuff).  I have a small cage for
sick or injured ferrets.  Luckily, I haven't had to use it much.
I think my ferrets are happier, because they can run and play whenever
they want.  I hear a lot of stories about ferrets getting into weird
predicaments, but mine never have.  My ferrets are calmer than my friends'
caged ferrets, and I really think that they are smarter.  I think that if
I had to cage them for any extended period of time, my heart would break.
I understand that everyone can't have a situation like this.  In some
environments (small children, etc.), cages are necessary for ferret safety.
I don't personally like the idea of cages, but any ferret-owned human that
give adequate play time and lots of love is OK in my book.
Michelle (Squirt, PB, Hannah, and Buffy)
[Posted in FML issue 2408]