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Thu, 13 Aug 1998 23:14:56 -0400
"Mason T. Weinrich" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (69 lines)
Dear Friends -
This is the hardest message I have ever had to write.  Tonight after a
3-month battle since he was diagnosed with lymphoma, Slinky was euthanized
at Salem Animal Hospital in Salem, NH.  I know that he was happy right up
until he died - minutes before, he was licking a "Slinky soda" (a tiny bit
of flat diet coke and a lot of water in a soda bottle cap, his favoirte
treat, and linatone).  However, over the past few days he had really lost
control of his bowels and, in the past 36 hours, really lost most of his
back leg use.
Before I ramble for a bit, I will say that every life is graced by one or
more special presences.  A very special loved one is one such presence; a
really special pet is another.  To me, raised with pets my whole life, a
very special pet is a true gift.  I can say that in my life I have never
been graced with the presence of one so special, and I doubt I ever will
again.  There will be lots of other pets - ferrets, cats, and who knows
what else - but I would be surprised if there will ever be another one
like Slinky.
Slinky came into my life in October 1993, when he was about 8 weeks old.
He was a MF male sable, and usually weighed about 2.4-2.6 lbs.  He was
unusual in being a very gentle, thoughtful, and extremely smart ferret -
there was nothing which escaped his ever present mind.  He never failed
to amaze me in how quickly he learned so many things and, while being a
playful ferret, was so easy going and aware of what was going on around him
(both in the physical and "karma" sense of the word).  In his life he was
on TV as a ferret rep when ferrets were legalized in Mass, had an article
published about him in Modern Ferret, and missed being the first official
mascot of Massachusetts by not scooting out of a tune seconds before the
eventual winner.  He always came to the call of his name right from kit
Slinky's favorite thing in the world was soda.  He loved the smell of soda,
but couldn't stand the bubbles.  So he adapted to soda bottle caps, which
smelled like soda, and felt good on his teeth when he chewed the sides of
the the cap.  My house is filled with bottle caps, eachof which have the
sides chewed on very heavily.  In his last months we discovered a new
treat - mix a small part of flat soda with lots of water in a large soda
bottle cap, and we have a treat which he would come running for.
Slink was diagnosed with lymphoma in late May, although I knew there was
something wrong as far back as January.  he was put on prednisone after
his diagnosis, and had 2 3/4 more happy months with me and his buddy Pogo.
He leaves Pogo as an only ferret, but Pogo will get a new adopted buddy
next week from the Luv of Ferrets Shelter - a big playful male named Henry.
I held Slinky while he got his shot tonight - one of the hardest things I
have ever had to do, but part of my responsibility as his owner.  On the car
ride up he was in my lap the whole time - about 1/2 way up, he put his head
on my arm and left it there for the rest of the ride.  It just tore my heart
apart (and continues to as I write this through the tears).  I brought
Slinky's body home to show to Pogo, and he was then buried in my backyard.
He was buried in his favorite flannel pillowcase that he used for sleeping,
along with his favorite toys, bottle caps, and a sealed bag with a copy of
Modern Ferret # 16, 5 photos of him, and a tribute to him.  Over the weekend
flowers will be planted next to his little grave.
I don;t know if there is a Rainbow Bridge or not = butif there is, I can't
wait to see my Slinky there.   I know a not-so-little pice of him went
there tonight.
Please give your fuzzys and other pets an extra special hug for Slinky,
and give his little soul a moment's prayer or thought.
In Peace - Mason, Pogo, and Leila the Cat (and even she is a little
subdued tonight).
[Posted in FML issue 2400]