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Wed, 12 Aug 1998 09:31:47 -0400
Pamela Hewitt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (78 lines)
Hi here is my advise for Whimisical and Sandy.  I've been a ferret owner
for 3 years and I'm not an expert but I always collect tons of info on the
ferret babies (I'm starting to drive my vet batty!) Hope some of it helps!
>Hairball Laxitive: How often << if need be >> do I use this stuff and how
I've heard it reccommended  once a week to help pass fur and around 1/2
centimetre squeeze for the tube.  Ask your vet though when you first get
your ferret.  A baby might be harmed by it!
>Ear Cleaning: same question, how often and such??
I clean my ferrets ears about once a week.  One of my ferrets gets really
dirty ears and I'll clean hers as often as I notice the gook.  Watch for
ears that get dirty really quick.  It might be ear mites which can be common
on ferrets depending where you got her.  A vet will probabley check this
though when you bring her/him in for her first checkup.  I clean the ears by
holding their head and using good quality q-tips.  Only clean the part of
the ears you can see.  I have been told that using a earclener is best but
my ferrets HATE liquid in their ears ( getting ride of mites is NOT fun) so
I don't use the stuff.
>Nail Clipping: How long should they get before I need to clip them??
I clip them about once a week too.  I don't like their nails to get too
long.  It will depend how fast their nails grow!  The absolutely best way to
clip nails is to sit down, put the ferret on it's back in your lap and put
a bit of ferretone on their tummy.  They will be so obsessed with licking
everydrop off that they won't notice what you're doing.  Please be careful
not to cut the "quick"-the vein- as it will bleed.  It is easy to see.  If
you do cut it apparently septic (sp?) powder or baking powder put on the
cut will stop the bleeding.  Oh, if you use human nailclippers, turn the
clippers sideways!
>Where is the best place to find Bitter Apple.  Have asked around but haven't
>been able to find it yet.
No idea.  Usually pet store of ferret catalogues.  You may not need to use
it.  I nver did.  Tabasco sauce is also an option
>We only have the one right now and I KNOW that it will be only time before
>ferret math kicks in so how long should we wait before introducing a new
>brother/sister to our first baby??
I waited approx 9 months but that was because i was waiting for the shelter
to call with an adoptee.  ( gosh she was/is beautiful!)  The only thing
that i have heard is to get ferrets close in age ( within 2 years) as their
personalities ( playing, etc) will be closer.  Also I have heard that
male/female get along better but I have 2 females who, after an initial
adjustment, are best friends!
>How often do we wash bedding and the fuzzbutts themselves, I have seen so
>many different opinins on this one so I have to ask anyways!!!  Is baby
>shampoo alright to use or do I need to get a ferret only shampoo??
If you cage the ferret you'll probabley want to wash the cages and bedding
(soft material!) around once a week.  It will keep odor to minimal amount.
Use very little detergent as ferrets have delicate noses and too much scent
could cause mega sneezing!  I would't suggest fabric softner or "bounce".
For litter, I scoop out a couple of times a day and change the litter
entirely 2x week.  My ferrets won't use their boxes after a certain period
so if I keep them clean their very good about not going on the floor.
I would also suggest buying a few ferret books and reading about possible
dangers and illnesses so you'll recognize any symptoms when they appear.
My ferret almost died from an intestinal blockage the first month I had her
as I didn't know the signs.  Luckily I found a very nice vet who performed
surgery on her Xmas eve!!!
Please keep in mind that these suggestions are my opinion and I am not an
expert.  Read as much info as you can and you'll do fine!!!
Lots and lots of luck with your babies!!!
Pamela   with DiDi & Io
[Posted in FML issue 2399]