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Thu, 6 Aug 1998 00:18:07 EDT
Darren Carfano <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hello there.  I will have my first ferret when you read this message.  I
can't wait.  I've been a member of this list for approx. 5 weeks.  I have
read numerous FAQ's and know enough...but I'm sure my ferret will constantly
test what I know and don't know.
Two questions:
1. Could anyone give me or direct me to a recipe for duck soup?  I want to
be prepared...maybe make some and then freeze it just in case.
2. Could anyone give me nipping advice.  The kit is 7 weeks old and I know
that it is teething.  I want to nip it in the bud (no pun intended ;-).  I
have heard scruffing is effective.  Do you hold the ferret up by the scruff
or jostle it by the scruff on the floor?  Do you guys recommend nose
flicking (I read that it may promote fear of me)?  Any other advice.
Thanks so much...
Hug your fuzzbutts for me, and HAPPY FERRETING.
Darren & soon-to-be Sly
[Posted in FML issue 2392]