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Sat, 18 Jul 1998 19:03:30 -0600
Rick Roller <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (79 lines)
NO FERRETS HAVE NOT BEEN LEGALIZED YET, but in reponse or to further educate
everyone out there, this is an update.
Some of you might of read about the "test" future ferret owners will be
required to take before purchasing a ferret in Salt Lake County.  This is
designed not to stop the sales of Ferrets but two do several differnt
things that the United Ferret Organization (excluding Mass) supports.
(1) Stops the impulse purschase of Ferrets by people who don't have a clue
as to what they are getting themselves into.
(2) Helps educate people before they buy a Ferret.  Too often people buy a
animal for a pet then decide its appropriate to learn about them.  Just
think if people did the same about human babies.  Don't worry about a thing
until after you have brought the newborn home.  Oh, Honey, I think their is
something we need to put around the baby so when they go poddy, we can
control the mess.  Dear, what kind of food should we start our baby off
with, solids, milk, formula?  Get my point.
(3) Will reduce the "I did not know what I was gettting into when I brought
this spazzed out weasel home" syndrome.  This is turn will help put the
ferret shelters out of business or atleast slow business down.
(4) Help ferrets live longer and happier lives.
(5) Help Ferret Parents enjoy the longer and happier lives their ferrets
have with them.
(6) Will force Pet shops to learn more about these critters or not be
allowed to sell them.
Every pet store I have ever spoken with loves the revenue a ferret brings
in.  Lets do the math, $120 -$150 for the ferret, (preferrably a Marshall
Farms Ferret) , then$100 to $300 for the perfect ferret cage, $20 for the
perfect ferret food, $30 to $50 for accessories, then of course, two months
later when that person becomes addicted to ferrets and purchases another
ferret because the ferret in their home has commanded them to do so.  So
what are we talking here, $500 to $700 dollars.  If a pet store sold two or
three ferrets a day, they could go home early.  I know thats not all profit,
but I know what pet stores mark up their cages, food, and accessories, plus
the ferrets.
Are the pet stores supporting this ordinance, not as much as they supported
the changing of the laws in Utah.  Yes, a couple of years ago, several pet
shops and the former Utah Ferret Association, (this is what I have been
told) got together and pressure the state of Utah to change its law about
ferrets.  Well they did, but then the state said, it would be up to every
individual county, city, town and township as to what they wanted to do
of these pet stores were able to get the city of Taylorsville to pass a city
ordinace allowing the possession and sale of ferrets as long as you posessed
a exotic animal permit, costing $150.00 per ferret per year.  Of course they
do not enforce it yet, but who knows in the future.  Also, no mention of
euthanasia practices or quarantines were made.  These pet stores just want
to sell ferrets, they could care less about what happens to them once they
are out the door.  Thats your problem now.
These pet stores are also getting so greedy that they will no longer wait
for Marshall Ferrets to arrive, they have gone to outside breeders and the
quality has gone down hill.  The vet for U.F.O. has alerted me to this and
I have alerted the animal control officer for Salt Lake County.  One of the
pet stores is passing this ferrets off as Marshall Farms Ferrets.  This I
hope to address with Marshall Farms as soon as we located the exact pet
Well my fellow ferret fanatics, thats Salt Lake County in a basket.  Our
ferrets are illegal, yet they are getting exploited, forged and still the
most popular pet in Utah.  Any suggestions will be appreciated.
REMEMBER, the UNITED FERRET ORGANIZATION is planning their first Wild West
Ferret Round Up in October, stay tuned for details.  Members and non-members
are invited, Utah and non Utah ferret parents are also welcome.
United Ferret Organization (excluding Mass)
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[Posted in FML issue 2374]