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Fri, 17 Jul 1998 17:11:32 EDT
Karri Knutson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
I saw a few posts about kitten food and thought i'd put my two cents in.  I
have a very petite female and a large male.  When I got my female I started
her on ferret food.  It was ok for the most part at first, but then she got
sick and lost even more weight.  So I tried Kitten food and she got her
weight back and has maintained a fairly healthy wieght, at least much better
than on the ferret food.  I've also noticed that both my ferrets have a much
nicer coat now than they did on the ferret food.  The vet always comments on
how wonderfully clean their teeth are.  Personally I believe its the food.
I'm not saying ferret food is bad, not at all.
The ferret foods I've tried with them were Kaytee and Marshall Farms(??) I
definantly didnt like the second one, they had more poop and it stunk!
(which can be controlled w/ the right food) I didn't like Kaytee all that
well either.  I know that Totally ferret food is great for them, but I just
can't afford it.  So I stick with the kitten food.  But not all kitten foods
are good for them.  Most kitten foods in the grocery stores are unexceptable
for my ferrets food.  You have to keep in mind what nutrition needs a ferret
has.  Particularly the fat, protien, and ash contents.  Ferrets need high
fat and protien (20+ grams) and LOW ash, i make sure no more than 4,
otherwise they could get kidney/bladder infections.  You also wanna make
sure the first ingrediant is a real meat, like chicken.  I, and I know
others do too, recommend IAMS Kitten food.  I also recently have noticed
that Eukanuba kitten food my be even better for them (i'm switching over).
Both of which are made by the Iams company.
And to Becky, I've never even looked at Purina Kitten chow for my ferrets,
but If I were you, I'd compare the nutrional facts on the back.  Find the
one thats the best that way.  Only once did I go through grocery store
kitten food, and that was when i was camping and no place sold Iams.  And
even then I could only bring myself to buy Science Diet.  So......if you
aren't sure about what to feed your ferrets, talk to your vet, then decide.
I'm done babbling now....
Ta ta,
Karri and the f 'rats
[Posted in FML issue 2373]