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Fri, 17 Jul 1998 13:22:25 -0500
KENNETH VERBLE <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
about 2 years ago i walked into a little pet store in KY. and got my
first glimse of a ferret.  so being a grad of science i had to study the
possibilites of owning one of these fuzzy little animals.  upon my studies i
landed on this list, where people talked about ferrets owning people and not
the other way around.  i was, to say the least, intrigued.  i took the first
step and bought the little girl that would let go of my hand.  the whole way
home i couldnt get it out of my head how none of the others were as excited
as she.
Upon arriving home with this little critter i just assumed it to be another
pet, she played, chased balls, and was just happy to be along for the ride.
Then she got sick, i was beside myself, i had no idea how this little one
had touched my life.  in such a short time she had went from a pet to one of
my children, an only child by the way.  i did everthing in my power to find
an exotic vet.  in southern illinois and finally got one in the middle of
the night.  she was fine just a very bad cold, a few meds and a few days and
she was back to normal.
since then i aquired a albino kit that is blind and again i turned to the
FML for support.  both are inseperable and so am i from them.  they depend
on me for the love and support they need and i depend on their unconditional
love and support as well.  in short (even though its been long) every one of
you deserve a big thanx from me and my owners kit and little bit.
                         thank you all.
Kit-(you just think i cant get this shoe to fit under the chest)
Little Bit - (if she cant, ill help er, if she'll just show me where
              the chest is at)
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[Posted in FML issue 2373]