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Fri, 17 Jul 1998 12:04:20 -0400
"Henry Lee Jr." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
>Alright, I need your guys's expertise on this.I need allot of cute, funny,
>amazing, or silly ferret stories, you know to tell to my mom.
Let her know how smart ferrets can be, that they come to their names, can
be trained to fetch, and like to play tug-o-war.  Small story about jumping
>Also I read that male ferrets can't jump!  is this true?
Dont tell Bilbo and Frodo this!  My two ferrets are Kamikazees.  The room
they get to roam is my bedroom, and currently I share it with my younger
brother while his bedroom is being renovated.  There are two beds, both low
to the floor (just matress and box spring).  They constantly climb the beds,
make dashes across, and like Evil Keneival try to clear the canyon in
between beds.  They usually dont make it, but occassionally make the leap
successfully.  Missing doesn't slow them down, as they circle around to try
it again.  If one makes it and the other doesn't, he of course gloats!  :)
>And last I need to know what to do if a ferret starts digging at your
Ironically, Frodo loves to dig into the rug in the corner of my room.  He
found a spot where the rug was a tad loosed, and is trying to burrow into
it.  Want to stop a ferret from digging some where?  Spray it with Sour
Apple or dash it with Vinegar, the smell will keep them away.  Its not a
terrible smell to humans, and it goes away quickly, so a dash each time
he/she is out, and it will keep them away from that spot.  Generally a
ferret wont try to dig or wreck an area at random, they have preferred
>if he/she misses(how to reprimand it),
The litter?  I'm running into a problem with this now.  You can't always
watch them, so its very hard to do.  The trick isnt reprimand (from what
I've seen), its finding a litter and litter box they like.  The ferrets
realize (mine do atleast) that if they go in the litter, its stays clean.
After cleaning a litter box, leave one or two poops in the new litter, as
to remind them where they're supposed to go.  If you clean up after your
ferrets (because none are 100% perfect with litters), you would be okay.
>and what kind of litter to use and where to find it.  If you could tell me
>this it would help out allot,
Get the litter that is good for you, but remember a few things:
1. Needs to be 100% dust free, or its bad for their lungs.
2. I hear Cedar litter is bad for them, thats what i use, and I'd like
   to hear some others feedback on this.
3. Clay litters and Ferret urine dont mix. I used clay litter once in a
   bind (all the local store had), and after one or two visits to the
   litter, it smelled God-awful.
Hope that Helps Jen.
Henry, Bilbo and Frodo
[Posted in FML issue 2373]