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Thu, 16 Jul 1998 11:35:22 -0500
Bob Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
Marginally at least.  Worst vacation I've taken in years.  Lets just say I
don't want to buy tickets on that airline again.
It's amazing how your ferrets act when they see you after a long absence;
doing as much research as I do, I am usually gone 3-4 months of the year.
Each time I return, the ferts rub themselves all over me.  Now I understand
butt dragging and chin wiping are marking behaviors, and many ferrets will
rub their entire bodies on each other, people they like, or even objects,
but 20 at once?  I just laid back and enjoyed it.
I did come home to a slight problem with Simon.  He was grinding his teeth,
trying to vomit, very lthargic, and pawing his mouth.  So straight to the
vet he goes, with my somber advice to look for an obstruction.  Good thing
I'm not a vet.  Isn't an obstruction at all, but a chest full of fluid and a
greatly enlarged heart.  Simon is only around 5-6 years old, so cardiac
problems were sort of unexpected.  He has already started to respond to the
meds, drinking and eating.  Moral of this story is, I know a lot, but I'm no
vet.  If you have a problem, see a qualified vet first, then post to the
FML.  BTW, ever see a tracing of a ferret heart beat?  Very cool!
I have 508 emails to go through.  Really (I may shoot myself).  Since a) my
vacation has left me quite exhausted, b) I'll be leaving for Florida in just
over two weeks, c) I'm really behind in school and real work, and d) who can
ever read and respond to 508 emails quickly, so it will take me some time to
get through them.  Hopefully, nothing of a dated nature was lost in the
pile.  I know quite a bit of the stuff I have emailed out before going
offline never seemed to find its mark; for example, I have the email record
showing I posted the final diet question post to the FML, but it doesn't
seem to have made it in.  So, if you expected something from me and didn't
get it, let me know ASAP; with 508 email messages, don't expect me to find
it in the stack.  (I've moved them to the 'pooter, so new messages will
stand out.)
Thanks to those who know how tough a vacation can be, especially one with
the itinerary I selected, and sent nice words and good vibes.  It helped.
Now, I leave for Washington DC on August 2 (Smithsonian for a day), thena
quick stop in Georgia, then down to Gainesville for a few days (University
for 3-4 days).  I'll probably spend the weekend saying hi to people, then up
to Knoxville to visit their university.  When I finish, back to Washington
DC to pick up the monkeys splashing in the gene pool, and home.
Then, after a few days of rest, its off to SD, LaLa, and Bezerkeley in CaCa
Land, Portland and Seattle (SW to Dallas, SSW to El Paso, W to SD).  Up to
the "V" in BC, over to Calgary (and maybe north), then down to Bozeman,
Montana (and caving trip to the Pleistocene).  Then Denver, Lawrence, and
home.  After a rest, up to NY for the Peabody, down to PA for the Carnegie,
and I am done, finished, pooped.  ABD.
As always, I'm more than happy to stop, visit, and whine as time and
schedule permits.  Bribes happily and gratefully accepted.  Keep in mind I
already have a Norse helmet and a monk's gown and cross.  And Tui beer...;-)
Bob C and 20 MO Crazy "Don't Make Me Laugh" Ferts
[Posted in FML issue 2372]