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Thu, 16 Jul 1998 13:23:37 PDT
"DeBout,Sandy" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
The last few weeks have been very hard on me.  I am tired, not feeling my
best and have processed so many new ferrets that I have trouble keeping them
all straight.  There are endless litterpans and food dishes and water
bottles.  And it goes on.  I am sure anyone of you who runs a shelter knows
exactly what I am talking about.
Then in the mail one day, addressed to WNYFLFA, I get 2 (not 1 but 2) thank
you notes each with a dollar in each.  Now one might say "What does a dollar
buy?"  It buys " renewed hope" and the feeling that you are not alone in
this.  There are people out there who understand what you are going through.
It brought tears to my eyes then and it still does now, several days later.
These two people that sent this money don't begin to know how grateful I am.
I am not going to mention names because they know who they are and I would
not want to make anyone feel bad if they thought about it but just didn't
get around to it.  And it's not just the dollar!  It is the time and effort
that went into this as well.
Thank You,
Sandy DeBout - Shelter director for W.N.Y.F.L.F.A.
and from all the shelter kid
[Posted in FML issue 2372]