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Wed, 8 Jul 1998 01:59:02 -0500
Chet Duda <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
I've been seeing more and more cat and fert stories so thought I'd send one
of my own in.  I have a pretty fat cat name Rocky that is so lazy and laid
back most people that don't like cats like him!  One day he was lying down
and batting a small fuzzy ball back and forth between his paws.  He didn't
bat it really hard 'cuz then he'd have to get up to go get it. <g>  One of
the ferts (Dot), saw this and decided that the ball needed to be hidden.
She came bounding up from behind the cat, grabbed that ball from between his
paws and dashed for the living room.  The cat immediately got up (:-o) and
followed her.  Once in the livingroom, Dot couldn't decide where she wanted
to hide it but was so happy she had the ball that she ran around the room
twice (with the cat in the middle watching her)until she decided to put it
behind the tv.  Great the one place the cat can't get it back from.  I was
laughing so hard at this point because once Dot disappeared behind the
console, Rocky looked up at me and meowed.  He simply looked lost!
The only problems that I have had between my cat and four fuzzheads are:
1.  The ferts always want to hide the one toy that the cat is playing with
and not the 20 others that are community toys open for the taking.
2.  One of the ferts, the most quiet and gentle, likes to pick on the cat.
He chases and bites him.  This cat doesn't get on top of the furniture to
get away from him either.  Any one have advice as to how to get him to stop
beating up the cat?  I usually get out a treat for the cat and put it on top
of his box.  Oh, I should probably explain that.  We have a box that has a
hole in the bottom big eonough for the cat to climb in and have a bed in it.
His food and water dishes are on it as well.  Once he has jumped on top of
the box where Fred can't reach him, he usually stays there until one of the
other ferts makes an interesting noise in a room that he can't see.  Kitty
Tut doesn't let anything go on in the apartment that he doesn't put in his
2 cents worth.
Does any one know who wrote the saying about "Everything I needed to know
in life I learned from my ferret"?  I'd like to use this in making a small
poster to give to my vet but don't like to omit the authors name in
something so public.
Brenda (the hooman), Rocky (a.k.a. Kitty Tut), and the fuzzheads (Marius,
Victor, Frederick, and Dot)
[Posted in FML issue 2364]