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Thu, 2 Jul 1998 12:02:42 -0500
Tatia Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Howdy all,
I know this has been covered before, but I couldn't remember the answer.  We
gave the boys a bath a week or so ago (before going to visit with Sam from
NZ) and noticed that Spanky has those reddish/black blackhead looking things
on his tail.  The hair on his tail is fairly sparse, so I am assuming that
his follicles are blocked (the tip of the tail does have hair).  Anybody
who has experienced this and knows what to do to get rid of it, please
email me directly with the solution.  Was it hydrogen peroxide wash daily or
antibacterial soap or something else?  Anywho, I need to take care of this
so my sweet, dumb boy won't be itchy and bald.
BTW, had fun visiting with Sam and the non-ferret folks she was staying with
while in Memphis.  The boys had a blast running all over their non ferret
proofed living room, den and kitchen.  I was so proud ofthem...Spanky rolled
over for a raisin (Harpo was too excited to be interested in raisins) and
Harpo went straight to their kitty's litter box when he had to use the loo.
What good boys.  The non ferret folk seemed to really like them too.
Sam showed me photos on her digital camera of folks and ferrets that she
has visited so far.  Got to see a photo of Bob and Elizabeth.  They are
definitely two people.  Tui and Carbone are just HUGE - and gorgeous.  Lot's
of sweet ferret pics.  Had a good time...be sure to get together with Sam
if you have the chance.
Oh, just one more question...does anybody know how to get a linatone stain
(it's just a drop really) out of my futon cover.  The material is a cotton
or cotton/poly blend.  I don't want to make it bigger, but the SO insists
that I try to get it out.  Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Tatia, Harpo and Spanky
[Posted in FML issue 2358]