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Mon, 29 Jun 1998 19:02:35 EDT
Maggie Mae <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Hey All,
Well, I want to thank those who have sent me emails congratulating the
return of the fiesty Maggie.  Hmm... I am not sure all would agree this is
a good thing.  But apparently it has been missed.  I don't know why.  But
a broad is a broad and has chosen to be a broad.  Or as Bette Davis said,
"hang on, we are in for a bumpy ride." hehe.
I did get the Mob running, but am now having problems again.  I can't seem
to get the list serv to authorize the posts, even with my approval.  Sigh.
But my computer wiz is back in town soon, so I am going to switch it over
to his company anyway.
Miss Pookie is so proud to be on Sam's page.  She is the dark eyed white
that has her nose in the air, waiting for someone to give her a raisin.  I
don't know how long she stood there, but it was awhile.  You see, anyone
who walks into the kitchen is fair game for treat begging, and with all the
folks around, Pookie finally gave up and planted herself, waiting.
Miss Natasha (aka Mazel Tov) has decided she likes bacon.  Perhaps that will
take away her taste for ladyfingers.  At least she isn't biting me at all,
has even stopped nipping at my feet.  hehe.  I guess I am just not as tastey
as Sam.  hehe.
With all the talk of ICQ, I decided to download it myself.  I am on some
other lists that use this for a chat feature.  It is basically a version of
the aol chat and instant message system and buddy lists.  I have already
been given sympathy for trying to use it on a Mac.  Seems the mac doesn't
have as many features, but then, I haven't been having trouble with it
either.  I am listed and you can add me to your buddy lists, both on aol
and ICQ (#14764688).  I am not cloaked on either system.
For those who had some problems with me blocking email, I have taken it all
off.  I will not allow any one person to cause me to limit my communication
with anyone any longer.  But stick with my aol accounts.  I am having
trouble retrieving mail and sending from the att account.  I can sign on,
which is good, but can't get to the mail server at times.
I will keep you posted on the mob list.  Unless I decide to shoot the
computer first.  A distinct possibility.
Mad Mo' Maggie and  Madam's Maniac Mustelid Mob plus 5
"L'home est une passion inutile."
"Man is a useless passion."
Nathalie Sarraute, _L'etre et le neant_
[Posted in FML issue 2355]