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Mon, 15 Jun 1998 23:35:47 EDT
Kim VanderLaan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
I'd never been to a Ferret Fun Match before and neither had my ferrets
I took my 2 kids to this one yesterday!  We had a blast!  Dexter (the new
one who will have been here 3 weeks tomorrow) embarassed us all with the
first 2 contests.  The first was "Knock over the platic cups".  He just kind
of sat there and then tried to move between them.  He managed to knock down
nothing!  Tracy performed average in this contest.  She hit 5.
The next contest was "Run through the tube as fast as you can".  Dexter went
through just fine - until the end.  He had only 2 legs and tail still in the
tube when he decided to back up as fast as he could to the beginning again!
Tracy, on the other hand went right through - start to finish in 8 point
something seconds!  She won a prize!
Third contest: "Get out of the paper grocery bag as fast as you can".
Dexter redeemed himself with this one!  He made it in 5 point something
seconds!  Tracy made it in 40 something.......Dexter won the prize!!
They both abstained from the next contest "Little Begger".  They figured it
was polite since they'd both already won.
Then was the "Race to the chair and back".  They both got so excited they
pooped on the starting line.  Then Tracy decided to back up rather than go
forward and Dexter decided to go about 2 feet then stop from the exhaustion!
They scratched the race..........
Anyway, we all had a ball.......
Kim and The Dynamic Duo
[Posted in FML issue 2341]