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Mon, 8 Jun 1998 17:14:54 EDT
Kim Burkard <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
>When goobledygook and doublespeak fails, try name calling.  Fact remains
>that MAR, Inc. has prospered for years through animal abuse and still doe s.
>Obviously, you find it acceptable.  Obviously, I find it despicable.
Animal abuse?  Animal abuse is something that is defined through laws,
ordinances, and various regulations - not what you or I think is the proper
and right treatment of animals.  Perhaps you should look up those laws and
ordinances for the Marshall Farms location.  I'll give you their location -
Wolcott, NY.  If you need the county name, MF is located in Wayne County.
The county seat (where most of the county records are kept) for Wayne County
is in Lyons, NY.
Perhaps rather then just repeating heresay, you can research what animal
abuse violations may have been lodged against MF.  While I'm not commenting
on whether abuses occur or not, if there is no violations "on the books",
then whatever abuses someone else has claimed is *only* heresay or just
opinion.  It should be proved legally or be in investigation before you and
others publically shout animal abuse.  Otherwise, the whole libel issue can
rightly come into play.
While I would expect there to be some violations lodged against MF (as would
I expect there to be against any other large animal farm), I am doubtful
that many of the extreme abuses claimed by some on the FML over the last few
years are true and/or documented.  Animal organizations in this part of NY
State are quite diligent.  (As mentioned before, I live under an hour from
MF.) News stories break every couple of months about people brought up on
multiple animal abuse violations - everything from petstores (and their
owners) to elderly women keeping scores of cats in their houses to a group
of abandoned and starving horses.  These news stories, while sometimes
tragic, have a great way of increasing everyone's sensitivity to animal
abuse issues.  If there were rumors of a place like MF abusing animals -
especially as some have claimed, I have no doubt that the animal
organizations in Wayne County would have been informed about it and would
have followed up on those rumors.
While ethically there may be problems how animals are treated on farms of
all sorts, you can only prosecute the farm owners for legal animal abuse
violations.  If the laws are unacceptable, work to change them.  "Bashing"
places that comply with the law is going to be a pointless endeavor - it is
like putting a bandaid on a broken arm.
BTW, If you actually do research what laws, violations, etc.  there are,
report back to us on them.  It is *EXCEEDINGLY RARE* to have anyone do any
real research and have any real facts on the whole "MF issue".  It's a pity
that emotions on this issue dry up when people faced with doing some real
research and work in regards to this subject.
-kim, squirt (yawn-yawn!), pippi (gimmee raisins now!), atlas (which way did
 'e go?), and jinx (nip-nip!)
Kimberly Burkard     |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
Eastman Kodak Company|      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
Rochester, New York  | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
[log in to unmask]    |<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 2334]