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Print Reply
Sat, 6 Jun 1998 01:43:57 EDT
Jan Stenman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (17 lines)
I have been reading a lot of posts both on FML and FAIML about the use of
prednisone for adrenal problems.  I have been wondering lately if it might
have a lot more uses for ferrets.  Prednisone is prescribed to humans for
many, many ailments.  Asthma, allergies, MS, arthritis and Cancer to name a
few.  While it is not a cure for anything, it does control many symptoms
associated with those diseases and other diseases as well.  It's main value
is as an anti inflamitory and it masks the symptoms of colds and muscle and
joint soreness (an added benifit but not prescribed for these), lung
irritation in asthma, swelling in allergic reactions, even poison ivy.......
anyway, I'm wondering if it could be used more frequently for situations
where surgery is not an option such as enlarged spleens, ulcers in the
digestive tract (I think it is indicated for use in ulcerative colitis in
humans), lymphoscarcoma, ECE, etc.
Hope this is food for thought.
[Posted in FML issue 2332]