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Sun, 3 May 1998 05:05:24 -0400
Jamie Steinhauer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Hi, my name is Socks.  I am one of Frosty's cusins.  Wanted to tel yous
abouts da new water thingy grnpa and mommy brout home from Walmrt da oter da.
If yous cans member, an imbisable monster invadded our hapy home of
Pietinkieville the oter nite.  He bited a hol in one of r drinkie botles,
gots Waffles, Calvin and Frosty al wett sos Frosty ened up takin a shower.
Boy he surews cleen aftr dat.  Anywayys, grnpa gots us a new water thingy
and he and mommy brot it homee, whiles grnma wasss stil worken.  They
fillled it up and putted it in our rooom, and gues whatt!!!!  Me, Littleman,
Waffles and somofdaoters justed startd to scooobadiv with our litle heds
alls da way undr the water.  Pipsqueek sayses she opned herr eys and da
cooool water hurtded herr eys, Anywayys, we gotts so cited dhat we strted
jumpin an rollen in da water thingy that prety sooon grnpa and mommy were
laughin soo hard, they caled grnma at hers works and telled her all bout
whats we was doin.  By da time grnma gots home from her works, we hads gots
water eveywere.  Boy, did shes haves a reel messs to cleans up.
Anyways, we ben trien to vince them that wes alll neeeds som scoooba ger sos
we wont gets our litle fuzzie buttts wett!
Plese, if you othr guys agrees with us, lets our hoomans no abouts it.  We
reallly wood like to haves som scoooba ger.  Better goes for now, we dontt
wants to push our luk tooo far.
Happy Scooobadivin,
Socks, Frosty, Waffles, Norton, Calvin, Luigi, Scooter, Pipsqueek, Stinker,
Tinker, Crackers, Snuggles, Bandi, Jasmine, Littleman, Oscar and Ralphie
[Posted in FML issue 2298]