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Fri, 1 May 1998 18:58:30 -0400
Jamie Steinhauer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Hi there, all you oter fuzzbutts, this here is Frosty, of the Pietinkieville
Gang.  Wanted to tell you how me and Waffles and Calvin made our mommy very
happy last nite.
Just after mommy and daddy had gone to bed, me and the rest of our gang
weren't quite ready to put on our jommies and go to bed, so me, and Waffles
and Calvin cided we would take a shower, you know so's weed be clean and all
at beddy-bye time.
We wandered over to one of our drinkie bottles to get a drink, and guess
what!!!  Allofasudden an inbisible monster mustof bit a couple holes in our
drinkie bottle, cause water started spraying out all over Waffles, me and
Calvin.  Well Waffles got scared, you see, she cant here nothin, she is
deff, and she ran over and triped over one of the slides daddy had put up
for us, and it broke down, make a lot of racket.  Mommy came runnin in to
see whats the problm was, and Calvin was just kinda standing there trying
to tell her he didnt no what happned, Waffles was all wet, and there I was,
just standing under the drinkie bottle getting to take my shower.  Isnt
persunal hygine wonderful!!!!
After mommy stopped laughin, she took our drinkie bottle down and dried us
off and sent us to beddy-bye.  I dont no hows we can shower anymore - guess
we will have to be "Stinkie-Pietinkies".
Mommy and daddy thout they could solve the problem of our missin drinkie
bottle, sos they went to Walmrt and gots us a selfwatr dish.  Boy was daddy
and sissy surprised when we snorkled and played in it.  Guess its by-by to
dri flors in Pietinkieville!
Gots to go fer now, me and the oters gots to gets our nappypie sos we can
feel like helpin mommy and daddy, and sissy play later.
Frosty Renee Pietinkie - Over and Out!
P.S.  Our new little broter, Tinker is havin trouble knowin weres hes posta
do his poopy.  So far hes pooped tree difrnt tymes on our shelf and not in
our poppy box.  Sissy putted up a litle sign last nite that says "Designated
Pooping Area".  Hopes we can all lerns to reed!
Over and Out - Frosty and the oter 16 Pietinkies
[Posted in FML issue 2295]