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Tue, 21 Jul 1998 09:07:31 EDT
Kelly Sullivan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Last week when I ran our newest batch of shelter ferrets to the vet for
their health checks.  Two of the newest guys wagged thier tails everytime
the dr. went to touch them.  They would scooch down close to the table and
wag thier tails like mad.  The vet got a kick out of it.  Our guess is that
the poor darlings weren't used to being handled, they would also cling to
you when you held them and would spread thier legs wide when you picked
them up, as though they were afraid they were going to fall.
and just a note on PetSmart
The last Sunday of every month our club Secretary takes her guys into
PetSmart and sets up a information table to educate people about ferrets.
Last month I was fortunate to be able to go with her and took two of the
Shelter ferts with me.  A woman fell in love with one and contacted the
shelter director immediately, before I even had a chance to return the
ferrets :o) It was wonderful to be able to tell people what wonderful pets
ferrets are and to dispel some of the myths surrounding them and to also
give people a few hints on taking care of the ferrets people already had and
solve a few problems ie: digging in the litter box & food dish, NOT using
shavings as litter/bedding, harness training ect.  There were a few people
who wanted to buy the ferrets on the spot, but it is not our shelter policy,
prospective parents must first be screened and interviewed by our shelter
director, to illimiate any impulse buys.
On a different note, I went to the Family Pet Center in the mall down the
street from PetSmart and was horrified at the conditions of the ferrets in
the store.  They were on shavings as bedding, had a tiny hammock rigged up
so only one ferret would fit in it.  The smell of urine & feces perforated
the air and welcomed you as you entered.  Having 9 ferrets in my house I am
used to "ferret smells" but this was bad.  I actually saw a few people hold
thier noses and comment on how ferrets are filthy animals.  The small
triangular litter box was in the middle of the cage (filled with clumping
clay litter) and was obvious that no one was using it.  The pine shavings
were soaked with urine and there were several flies buzzing the cage.  It
was heartwrenching, I wanted to save ALL of the little darlings.  They were
housed in a big black midwest condo.  As were the kittens in the next cage
who had actual towels as bedding and a nice big hammock stretched out so
several could lay in it at once.:: Sigh::  There were two older ferrets "on
sale" in a plexiglass enclosure with a cardboard box that had been chewed to
shreds.  I was concerned about blockages!!!  I was so upset that I had to
leave before I got a chance to talk to management, I was afraid of what I
might say, in the condition of my emotional state.  This is the same store
where I bought three of my boys and had a bad epxperience.  Looks like I
have my work cut out for me.
Kelly & the Savvy 7 + 2
[Posted in FML issue 2377]