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Print Reply
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 22:25:17 -0400
Steven Markowitz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (74 lines)
Hello -
We seem to be having a bit of a problem with our woody.  Back in November,
we had to finally put down' Lillith due to insulinoma.  Around that time,
the weather got warmer and our Woody started to slow down a bit.  It took
us a while to really notice that he wasn't as active as before.  We thought
he was just depressed.  In the past month or so he has gotten really slowed
down to the point of not acting ferrety at all.
We took him to the vet and had a ton of tests done on him.  They don't seem
to point to any one thing.  Our best guess is either a kidney/urinary
infection, insulinoma, or lymphoma.  His lymphs are slightly enlarged, but
not enough to warrant sending out a test.
The following is the results of the bloods and stuff we had done.  any
misspelling is my fault, not our vets.  :)
PCV = 54%
WBC's 3,410
Neutros = 58% (some hyper segs)
Bands = 1%
Lymphs = 34%
Monos = 5%
EOS = 2%
Platelets = 5-10/hpf (some large clumps)
RBCs = Polychromasia (some poikiloaytosis some anisocytosis)
Urinalysis Multistix 10 SG
Urobilinogen = normal 0.2
Protein = 300
pH = 7.0
Blood = Negative
SG - 1.030
Ketone = negative
Bilirubin = negative
Glucose = negative
WBC = 5-10/HPF
RBC = 0/HPFCasts 1-2/LPF Granular
Crystals = 0-1 Amonium Urate
Epithelial cells = 1-2/HPF transitional
Trichomonas = 0
Bacteria = 0
Color = Strawyellow
Appearance = clear
Glucose 77mg/dl
BUN = 20.6mg/dl
TP = 7.71 g/dl
TBIL = 0.47 mg/dl
PHOS = 4.30 mg/dl
GLU = 82.6 mg/dl
CREA = 0.40 mg/dl
Chol = 232.3 mg/dl
Ca = 8.29 mg/dl
ALT = 80 IU
ALKP = 92 IU
ALB = 2.88 g/dl
Na = 167.3mmol/l
K = 2.50mmol/l
Cl = 118.0mmol/l
GLOB = 4.83g/dl
Any Ideas?
Please Copy an Email to me directly as well as to the FML if you wouldn't
mind.  I sometimes take a while to get to read the whole FML.
Thanks for any help you all can give.  I appreciate it.
[Posted in FML issue 2344]