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Mon, 25 May 1998 21:31:06 EDT
KnightLdy5 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Well it is me again i just wanted to refresh the story that inspired my idea
for my ferts.
The story was of a lady whose hubby had built her a lil garden of sorts for
her and her babees,and well i just had to have one of those too... But not
taking away from his kindness to his wife.I insisted that my guys had
something like that where i could enjoy them in the great outdoors.  So the
new hubby and those of you that know me know that i have recently mairred,
anyway the new hubby made me a neat lil playpen for my guys.  Ok here is
what all the bragging is all about.He made a 64 sq.ft area that is square in
shape and about knee high he put drill holes in the bottom for drainage,an
about a ton of sand.Well i had my contribution i put in a yard pond insert
with a run off so they have a lil swimmie pool<yee-haw>,and pvc piping all
around the inside for them to run and hide.And to make it totally safe we
put a screened top on it with a lid for in and out entry,we also put it
under a shade tree and they will be able to run a muck now w/out all those
fears and restraintsthat the outside leash time would give.  So cheers to my
hubby who has sweated and cursed the hammer ,all for the love that i have
for my ferrets,This is my thank you to him by bragging to all of his efforts
he is my big ole ferret too.  Well this was surprisingly inexpensive to
build more time consuming than anything i think all and all we have about
80.00 in the whole thing,most everything else we had in pa-in laws shop.
Welli to hope i have inspired an idea for the readers sorry so long i
usually just read but this was truley my story to all...
and Ferts
<3 {{{{}}}}~~~~
[Posted in FML issue 2321]