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Wed, 20 May 1998 12:07:01 -0400
"Ferret Aid Society..." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
I took on a ferret 10 months ago named Siggy.  He's a sweet male who I
dearly love, but he's not mine nor does he belong to the shelter.  He was a
boarding ferret.  I had never taken on a long term boarder before, but his
"parents" were so desperate.  They were both attending school in London,
England and didn't want to give him up.  Fine.  I said I'd board him for
the 11 months they were gone.
Sig is now sick with advanced adrenal.  He never lost his hair, but his
prostate enlarged and he's having trouble peeing.  He's at the vets right
now awaiting surgery to see if it will help him.  He's only 2.5 and in good
shape otherwise.
Trying to reach his "parents" was next to impossible.  I have a contract I
have them sign stating they allow me to make medical decisions in their
absence, but this was not good enough for the vet.  So, after finally
getting in touch, now because there is surgery involved, they don't want
Siggy anymore.
As it is, I took him to their vet as I was told to do with him, have already
paid for part of the bill and don't want him to die because his owners don't
want the expense anymore.
Has any other shelter delt with this before?  Is there any way to prevent
this in the future?  I will pay for Sig's surgery myself.  I am too attached
to just give up on him.
The Ferret Aid Society
[Posted in FML issue 2315]