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Fri, 24 Jul 1998 09:27:12 PDT
Richard MacKenzie <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
To all the wonderful people on the FML,
I have been a lurker on the FML for about three years and during that time
I have laughed with you at the antics of our friends, cheered for the
rescued ones that found happy homes, prayed for the sick ones and cried
for our friends that have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.
I became owned by 2 sable friends in March 1993, Jaxom and Sharra,
purchasing them from a local pet store.  I only wanted one but they were
the last two there and soooooooo cute I couldn't break them up.  In May of
1993 I rescued their favorite playtoy, Milo the feline ferret toy, from the
street as a kitten and everybody got along and had a great time.
In November 1993 I was given Nala, a lovely cinnamon, from a friend who was
being transferred to a FFZ (Caca land) and was going to take her to the
animal shelter.  So now in 8 months I have gone from no animals to 3 ferrets
and 1 cat and loved every minute of it.
In Jan 1995 my local animal shelter called me about a "mad ferret" they were
going to pick up and I took off and rescued baby Bandit, a sable female,
fo\rom an abusive home.  When she first came into our happy home she was
anti-social to the extreme.  She would NOT play and please do NOT touch!
She had a vicious bite as the scars show.  But by June 1995, Bandit was the
sweetest little lady you would ever want to know who loved to be held.  (See
what time, patience, and a lot of TLC will get you.)
I left the country July 6th for a dream trip to Scotland and as you may
imagine I had to leave my furry friends at home.  I arranged for a friend
to watch over the ferrets and cat, even letting him move in, as he loved
the ferrets and Milo and they loved him and I knew that every one would be
happy.  On July 17 I recieved a frantic phone call from my friend that my
house had caught on fire so I immediatly returned home to find only the
foundation left.  My friends, no my children, Jaxom, Sharra, Milo the
feline ferret toy, Nala, and Bandit were gone.  All had perished in the
fire.  My frinds and family say that I can rebuild with the insurance money
and I will, but all the money in the world will not bring my babies back
to me.
I pray that they did not suffer as they crossed the Rainbow Bridge and that
they forgive me for leaving them for a selfish trip.  I miss them with all
my heart and soul.
Good bye my babies, may God grant you your happpiness accross the Rainbow
Bridge, remember that Daddy loves and misses you very much.
Thank you all for listening to me, sorry about the typos, but it's hard to
type and cry at the same time.
Suddenly dookless,
Richard MacKenzie
[Posted in FML issue 2380]