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Sat, 27 Jun 1998 05:20:23 -0500
Bob Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (67 lines)
Sukie was right to say it is unfair to mention a problem and not state a
name, then mention MF by name, but I had reasons.  My adopted parents are
Quaker, its a philosophy I feel comfortable with, and I view the
nonconsented public disclosure of personal matters as a personal humiliation
that is particularly degrading and immoral.  I only had 1st hand evidence
of one event; the remaining evidence being from people I trust and value,
but it was still 2nd hand.  In all fairness, even though I trust and belive
my friends without any doubts, I did not feel my handle on the evidence
warranted releasing a name in such a public forum as the FML.
I may answer a specific comment posted to the FML, even with passion, but I
don't make it a habit to flame *people.* Rather, I make the attempt to try
and debate the issues.  Marshall Farms, like the CaCa Fishing Gestapo, is a
corporate entity, not an individual person, and as an entity with power and
control over our loved pets, about the only tool useful in controlling them
is public opinion.  Thus, while it may make me a hypocrite, I feel they are
fair game.  Besides, I said if people really wanted to know who the person
was, all they had to do is ask and I would tell them privately, off the FML.
I could not find it in myself to state the person's name on the FML, nor
put Bill Gruber in the uncomfortable position of having to decide if it was
FML-worthy or not.  The few times I have forgotten this policy, due to a hot
temper or bruised pride, I have had the good fortune of having Bill remind
me.  That makes me lucky for his friendship as well, for it makes me look
better than I am.  Bill has never been wrong in those friendly reminders.
There is another reason; there is action being taken right now about the
person, and I felt naming the person by name would be the same as tainting
the jury.  If the person is to be judged, let them be judged on their
actions, not because of dozens of hateful letters from well-meaning people
from the FML.  In other words, this is something in the process of being
resolved, not, as in the case of a book with a damaging and untrue photo
and caption, a problem that all current efforts has failed to resolve.  If
the person I mentioned is wrong, then the evidence will compell the people
involved to make ethical and moral decisions.  Releasing the name on the
FML could have damaged that process, and I cannot morally take that risk.
If that makes me wrong, if it makes me a hypocrite, then I will wear that
banner proudly.
Finally, what was my point for the post?  Was it to discuss breeding ethics
or to flame a person?  I made every attempt to write the former and not the
latter.  I used the person, as well as MF, as examples so I could discuss
the issues.  Everyone knows MF, and few FML would know the person.
Releasing a name would serve no purpose towards achieving my goal of
discussing breeding ethics and what we, as ferret fans, should do when
confronted by poor breeders.  Am I concerned about the person?  Hell yes;
I was played a fool and a ferret suffered as a result.  However, the post
wasn't designed to humiliate a person, but to state my opinions on the
ethical treatment of ferrets.
For the FML in general, Sukie is a good friend of mine, and in no way do I
take her comments negatively.  They do not devalue my opinions, rather they
strengthen them.  I deeply respect her, I absolutely enjoy her letters to
me, and I value her judgements and opinions.  If you can't let your friends
tell you what they think, who will ever tell you the truth when you need to
hear it?  Want to know how you can tell the difference between someone
flaming you out of bad intentions, or a friend expressing their opinion
because they think you goofed up?  Read Sukie's post.  She only addressed my
*actions,* not me personally.  She didn't say, "Bob's a jerk," but rather,
"Bob was wrong to say this." No snide remarks, no hidden messages.  That is
the act of a friend.  And Sukie is a dear friend, whom I value greatly.  I
want to thank her publically for her post and I hope she will do it again
when she feels the need.  Even an honorary ferret demigod needs to be
reminded of their human side from time to time ;-).  Thank you Sukie!
Bob C and 20 MO Bobbing Bozos
[Posted in FML issue 2353]