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Mon, 25 May 1998 22:27:36 -0400
Micki Wingate <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Thought I better set the record straight regarding Bill and Diane's
accusations regarding our Standard of Perfection and exhibitor book.
I would first like to tell everyone that I immediately called the AFA chair
of the Judge's committee to ask her what items they felt the GLFA had
"borrowed" especially the proprietary ones.  She indicated to me that she
had no idea what Bill was talking about.
Since I was a past director of FURO I had access to the FURO Show rules,
Judge's rules and exhibitor rules.  I also had the old IFA show rules and
the Rabbit Breeders rule book.  Others in our group picked up info on how to
show cats from a cat show held in Detroit and a dog show held in Lansing.
We took this info (all of it) and compiled our exhibitor rules and guidebook
from it.  None of us had ever seen the book Bill talks about.  So, if the
books are that much alike I think it is safe to assume that I was not the
only one who had the old IFA show rules or the FURO rules (remember, most
all the early shows were FURO sanctioned).  None of the show information
the various clubs use magically appeared out of a vacuum.  It all had to
come from somewhere - most likely a predecessor.  And, with slight
variances, there really is only one right way to judge a ferret so the
"standard of perfection" (a term used to denote the ideal) should be
pretty much the same across all clubs.  NAFA excluded.
Micki    <[log in to unmask]>
[Posted in FML issue 2321]