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Sat, 23 May 1998 00:48:37 -0500
Gary Skinner <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Well We have had a great Deal of Response to our Ferret Club Chat.  It looks
like it is going to be a real success.  We here At the Western Carolina
Ferret Club want to Educate anyone wishing for more Information on there
Ferret(s).  Ferret Care and Ferret Education are the Keys to a healthy Happy
Life for a Ferret, and that is why we are having the club Chats.  We will
From time to time have Guest Speakers from around the World to speak and
answer Question you might feel that is Important to your Ferret(s).  Matthew
from ICQ Ferrets AKA Krazy Kritter from the Kozy Kingdom, is helping to set
up the Chat on the ICQ Ferret Server, and also he is setting us up a List
Serv for the Western Carolina Ferret Club.  I will be Posting more on the
List Serv as soon as it gets set up.  If you are interested in becoming Part
of the WCFC Ferret Club Chat you can do so by just showing up for the Chats
on the Times Listed.
Tuesday  7-12pm  EDT
Thursday 7-12pm  EDT
Saturday  7-12pm  EDT
I will be there to moderate the Chats, and If there is anyone that would
like to volunter to help Moderate the Chats I would really appreciate it.
This is for anyone that wishes to learn more about there Ferret(s) You can
go to the WCFC and download the ICQ form there, scrool down to the ICQ panel
and click on Download ICQ.  It is a small File and dont take long to
Again I want to thank everyone for there support, I am Really glad to see
that we have so many Ferret Folks wanting to Learn and Help.  See you in
WCFC Ferret Club Chat.
Western Carolina Ferret club
Judy & Gary Skinner
158 Cloverdale St.
Hudson, NC
[log in to unmask]
ICQ # 9594190
[Posted in FML issue 2317]