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Mon, 23 Mar 1998 14:39:36 -0600
Julie M Guardino <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Hi everyone, I have only posted a couple of times but have gained alot of
insite and good ideas from reading all of your posts.  Some of you may
remember a ferret named Poncho that Bob C.  was looking to find a permenant
home for.  Well, I am the lucky person who adopted Poncho.  Bob brought him
to me a few weeks ago and I thought it was time to send an update on him to
the people who were interested in him.  He came to me a very skinny but
healthy little guy with quite a disliking for other ferrets.  He loves me
and my husband and loves to be carried around.  He still doesn't play much,
but does do a little war dance when he is the only ferret out playing.  I've
gotten him on iams kitten food which he would only eat from my hand to begin
with, but now he enjoys it in his bowl.  I've also been supplementing him
with a concoction called Terri's Sif soup, which I got the recipe from the
great people at the Kansas City Ferret Hotline and shelter.  He gets this
from a baby bottle and he loves it!  It also gives us a little special baby
time together.
He is beginning to put on weight, but he still hates other ferrets.  I
supervise closely when all four of my sweeties are out together.  Poncho
hangs by himself most of the time.  But I have this rather rambunctous
little, actually really big fat kit, that loves to ambush everyone.  The
other ferrets tolerate the attacks pretty well, but Poncho, well, you'd
thought someone was killing him!  I come to his rescue and cuddle him till
he stops shaking!  On the kit's part it's all fun, but we still haven't
convinced Poncho of that.  But it has only been a few weeks and I'm not
going to rush him into it.  I believe with time he will come around and
start to have fun with the rest of them.  Until then, I am his favorite
Cuddles and furry hugs from:
Poncho, Rasamataz (aka wild thing) Munchkin, and Mickey
and Mom Julie
[Posted in FML issue 2256]