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Sat, 21 Feb 1998 15:20:20 -0500
Lynne D Sutton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Continuing the "dumbest ferret question I was ever asked"...
One beautiful day, we had Pebbles (Rainbow Bridge 8/97), our beloved but
always scruffy looking "old lady baby" sable, outside.  She was cruising the
perimeter of the house, when a huge Lincoln Towncar rolled slowly by, and
then backed up.  An elderly gentleman stuck his head out the window and
asked me, "Is that there a mink?" Forgive me, but I said "Yep." He stuck his
head back in the window and continued on.  My husband cracked up.  Now we
have "faux furts".
Prior to that incident, I was having a front porch sale at my apartment
(getting ready to marry & move into husband's house), negotiating the sale
of my kitchen furniture, when one of the sale attendees let out a
blood-curdling shriek which took about 10 years off of everyone's else's
life, and began hysterically screaming that she had seen a rat in my
apartment.  Turns out she had seen Pebbles running across my living room.
She didn't even hang around long enough to get a ferret education.  I guess
she thought it was the masked rat, Zorro.
Ferretz Rule,
Lynne and Pookie, Dreyfuss, Cody, Misha, Maxx, Chuck, Luke and Mista
("sometimes we pretend to be "ratz in the 'hood")
[Posted in FML issue 2225]