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"The Ferret Mailing List (FML)" <[log in to unmask]>
Daisy Lyn <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 4 Sep 1993 13:42:00 -0400
"The Ferret Mailing List (FML)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)
"The rocks are about golfball size or a bit bigger, don't seem to hurt the
"plants, and the ferret can't move them. Works great.   "
 " Max   "
Well, I should have read this when I first got it...mine just dug up a big
philodendron. Eek!
Barbara...I'm so sorry to hear about Keesa!! I hope everything goes well,
and I'll say a prayer...  :'(
Phil! Hi! I also have other animals, dogs, cats, a cockatiel, a lovebird,
and fish, and my ferrets...:)  Ferrets are my favorites. :) I wish you well!
In fact...I'm so critter oriented..that my neighborhood, well my area of the
world just went through an awful drought. We had no crickets. I missed the
sound of crickets...so I went to the pet store and got crickets, (they feed
them to snakes etc <shudder>) and I set them loose. So now my whole
neighborhood rings with crickets. :D
Well, you'll do alright, ya can't have just one ya know...<G> Oh, hey! If
you needed any veterinarian advice, you could always call up Dr. James
Herriot! Hehehe! Sorry, couldn't resist! I love his books! I'm reading the
latest one, "Every Living Thing". :)
 " My question is, what does one do around the holidays with a ferret?  I "
 " want to put up a Christmas tree and I can just see Fou perched at the  "
 " top of it now (of course the ornaments are no longer on the tree in this "
 " vision).  Any suggestions? "
             Ooh! LOL! Good question! <g> I'd keep them, or him, out of that
room. I can just see them scampering off with the ornaments! LOL! No way!
I'd block that room off. I will too. <G>
I agree that Snowball can have a good life even without his vision and
hearing. Geez! Ferrets are nearsighted anyway! And mine rarely pay attention
to sounds (my voice <g>) anyway. I'm no ferret expert, still learning
myself, but I think he could have a very good life. He still has feel, and
his sense of smell...and he can tell when you are cuddling with him...he can
tell if he's done something wrong, by feel and all...he still has his
intelligence. I used to work with the mentally retarded. I had one guy who
was severly retarded and blind and deaf. That was hard, for him. Had he been
of normal IQ, he could have functioned well, as many deaf and blind people
Just MHO, but it seems you could treat him as any other ferret. He'll know
when and pretty much where you are by the feel of the floor...or your scent,
he can play with you too, he'll learn about you through scent, and
sense..they can 'feel' what you are feeling.....I have a kitten that is
brain damaged, and has very very little sight. It's a different thing, but
sort of similar. He's happy, he loves the ferrets even though they get the
better of him..<g> but...he's happy. That's what really matters. I think
Snowball will be happy too. :)  You know...he has no idea he's missing
anything. :)
I wish you the best!! :D
                           ..and the Wild and Crazy Three!
[Posted in FML issue 0570]