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Wed, 6 May 1998 00:06:39 EDT
SilkLady 7 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
I would like to thank all of the many, many people here who rallied around
this morning to try and find help for Ivory.  I hope you people don't get
tired of me telling you how truly wonderful you all are.  Unfortunately as
of 11:30EST I haven't heard any news about Ivory but folks, I'm afraid that
I fear the worst.
For those of you who didn't get a crisis call from me this morning I will
explain.  Last week Ivory was severely dehydrated.  The parents of this
elementary school student ( the one I've been talking to) supposedly took
Ivory to the vet where she was treated and released.  This morning she still
was not eating and had started to cry - in pain I'm sure.  The young lady
told me that the vet is not going to be back in for another week and that no
other vet in Albequerqe, New Mexico where she lives, would treat ferrets!!
I don't know what all of you think but it doesn't sound right to me.  I told
the young lady to show the info that all of you sent me to her parents but
I'm afraid that may be where the problem lies.  I also told her that Ivory
obviously has an intestinal blockage and won't make it if she doesn't get
help soon.  But what can you do when you're talking to a child who really
can't do anything herself?
I am so heartbroken over this situation.  The thoughts of Ivory lying there
dying and in pain were almost more than I could bear.I just can't believe
that any vet would turn down a case like this even if he had to call another
vet to consult with.
The best thing about all of you on the FML is that even though I hear of
alot of situations that break my heart, at least I know that all of you do
the very best that you possibly can for your ferrets.  This offers me some
consulation anyway.  But I met the young lady with Ivory in a pet chat in
the people connection and besides Ivory she has dogs and cats too!!  Maybe
someone's parents bit off more than they can chew.
Anyway, whatever the reason for Ivory not getting medical attention I just
feel that if you're going to take on a pet/pets, you should be prepared to
take care of them regardless of what extremes you have to go to.
Sorry to ramble on but I just needed to share my feelings regarding these
tragic circumstances with Ivory.  Again, thanks to all of you who tried to
come to the rescue.  I'll let you know if I hear anything.
Also, "Gary and the gang of fur" wanted me to let you know that he will be
going to Colorado for the summer at the end of May and may be offline for
about a week.  If anyone wants to order some tonic, etc. please let him
Have a wonderful day and kiss the babies!! They're so special!!
[Posted in FML issue 2299]