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Mon, 30 Mar 1998 07:46:46 -0500
Harry Silvis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
Most of the posts on this wonderful list have dealt with the additions to
our "Business" I want to relate to you the reverse of that.  Since November
we have rescued 3-pairs of ferrets: Precious-Scarlett, Jack-Podo, Dot and
two Dot.(referring to their tatoos) Each set comes of course with a story
which, I am not going to relate to you as we have all heard them too many
times before.  These newbies have not been brought into our six-pack.  The
fighting has been less than playful and has on a couple of occassions drawn
The dot brothers are young (less than a year) and two very lovable guys.  I
met a wonderful lady at a conference in January before the Dot Brothers
came.  She related to me a very sad story of the death of an MF ferret she
had of cancer at 7 months and how it really afwcted her family.  The dot
brothers were an emergency placement and took us a little time to bring back
to execellent health.
A month ago I faxed this woman a flyer on the availability of the dot
brothers.  I also posted it in the window of my business.  We have turned
down a couple of folks with real small children that wanted them.  My
reasoning was that older ferrets should not be around non-ferret small
Friday the call came in that the family wanted to meet the dot brothers.  So
we arranged for them to stop by the office on Saturday.  Saturday is our
Wedding day that we do a lot of wedding invitations.  (We are a commercial
and personal - family printing company) I was at a conference in the am.
Zora the ferret Mom was at the office.  Murphy's Law was that Saturday was
the biggest wedding day we ever had.  She had four couples in, and did three
orders in the morning and early afternoon.  I got in after noon and jumped
right in typing the weddings.  Time slipped away and we were wondering if
they were coming.  Just about then they arrived.  Mom, Dad and two young
teenagers a boy and a girl.  The girl and the dot brothers immediately
bonded.  They got in their snuggle sack and she sat there and held them.
There was of course the many questions about their care.  (Must get that in
writing) Leslie our retarded daughter was there to see where the dot
brothers were going, If not she would not really understand.  ther were a
few tearsbut the dot brothers have a wonderful new home.  We are now ready
for the next phone call of a ferret in need.
Jan they will be calling you this week for shots.  These are the only two
that we did not get records for.
BTW - our six that hated them spent their free time Sunday sleeping in the
carrier the dot boys left in.  Figure that out.
Harry and the 10 Krazy Kennesaw ferrets experiencing reverse ferret math
Harry C. Silvis
Kennesaw Graphics
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[Posted in FML issue 2263]