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Thu, 26 Feb 1998 10:20:54 -0800
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
Hello all you fellow FML'ers,
I have a 2.5 year old female, Sprite, who may have had an episode consistent
with Insulinoma.  After extricating her from a bedspread in the linen closet
one evening, I was loving her up since she is more 'aloof' when she's fully
awake.  Well, when I put her down, she seemed to kinda stumble against the
wall.  I then immediately picked her up to check on her, thinking maybe I
put her down too fast and she was still groggy.  She seemed O.K., so I put
her down again and she immediately pawed at her mouth.
Well, she's getting her blood glucose test tomorrow.  However, in doing
research on Insulinoma, I have found varying recommendations for the amount
of time to fast a ferret before their blood glucose test.  Dr. Susan Brown
from Pam Greene's Insulinoma FAQ says 4 to 6 hours, while 2 of the vets I
see said 12 hours.  I've also heard that the fert may not even need to be
fasted at all, or if they are fasted for 12 hours, then you begin to risk
their blood sugar getting too low in general.  Can some of you comment on
this?  Sprite and I would greatly appreciate it!
I love the "Silly fert questions".  Mine isn't quite as good as the lady in
line who heard the comment about putting a hole in the animal then sucking
out its blood, but I think it's still worthy!  Once I had someone at the
vet's office say "Is that a ferret?  I hear those things suck blood!" I then
responded in a humorous manner, so as to continue the propagation of good
ferret propaganda, while politely sticking it to this guy, "Why yes, I
actually have to get up a little early in the mornings to cover up the
puncture wounds in my neck before I go to the office." Everyone laughed
except the guy, but I guess you can't win them all!
Also, I've noticed that I have made-up/acquired all sorts of ferret terms
for different ferret situations, so I thought I might compile them:
- When ferret just runs away like crazy for no apparent reason - The Furry
- When ferret hops around like crazy for no apparent reason - Weasel War
  Dance, Ferret Fit
- When ferret is especially chunky/stocky - Buff Fluff
- When ferret lies flat in the middle of action for no apparent reason -
  Flat Ferret, Speed Bump
- When ferret goes under blanket, towel, etc. for no apparent reason -
- When ferret goes under blanket for no apparent reason, 'til they get
  your toe! - Carpet/Bed Shark
- When ferret has to spill full glasses for no apparent reason - Hump Dump
- When ferret has to knock remotes/etc. off of tables for no apparent
  reason - The Fluff Shove
- When ferret is used as a hand/foot warmer - Fluff Muff
- When ferret shivers after waking up for no apparent reason - Fur Brrrr.
- When ferret gets water all over you scrambling out of tub for no
  apparent reason - Fert Squirt
- When ferret sleeps in perfectly round position for no apparent reason -
  Ferret Ball
Well, I have more, but I'm beginning to scare myself!
Take care everyone!
Anita (Where's that darn garlic!)
Ferrets ("Ve vant tu suck yur blud!")
[Posted in FML issue 2230]