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Mon, 17 Nov 1997 23:02:58 -0600
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)
Hello All,
Had a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend.  It is just beautiful here,
nice and crisp with lots of sun.  Love It!!
Bob Church-sorry to hear about Horse.  I know how much you loved her and
missed her.  And what you are planning sounds very nice.  And appropiate.
My depression seems to have gone south for the winter.  I am probably going
to take off a semester at least from school, trying to figure out what I
want to be when I grow up.  That is, if I do.  don't have any plans in that
direction right now.  hehe.
One of my anthro profs will be on the show "The New Detectives" either in
December or January.  He is head of the Human ID lab here and a forensic
specialist.  It involves a murder case.  His name is Dr. Sam Stout, and he
is a wonderful, very nice, very smart man.  (He is teaching my human biology
Now, for a ferret question--how many of you have used the implanted
electronic ID chips for your pets, especially ferrets?  My vet is going to
make me a real deal if I want to do it, and has suggested that since I have
strangers baby sitting for me, it would be a good way for her to ID the
animals if anyone gets sick while I am gone.  I think this is a wonderful
suggestion, since there are 2 that even I have trouble telling apart.  But
she also says that ferrets hate having it done, a 14 guage needle is
required for insertion.  That is huge folks!!
Basically I was wondering if anyone had had any type of problems after
insertion, reactions, etc.  Inquiring minds want to know.
Outside of that, everyone here is fine.  Cleaned the ferret room carpet
tonight, with a little help from Conan the Toebiter.  He is such a turkey,
maybe I will have him for Thanksgiving!!  ;-) Actually he likes to run right
in front of the steam cleaner and vacuum, helps out a lot, makes me take my
Speaking of Thanksgiving, looks like I will be cooking.  Seems one of my
very good friends in St.  Louis has decided I should cook and will be
visiting.  I told Raven that I only cook Southern Thanksgiving, not no damn
Yankee version, but that didn't let me off the hook.  So Mid Mo will be
smelling good corn bread dressing, yams, homemade rolls, Turkey, and Pecan
Pie for desert.  Have I said that cooking is a hobby in my family?  For
generations?  I love to cook, baking is my speciality.  Especially cheese
scones.  Yum.
For those who might find it interesting, the college bookstore here has a
new dictionary in--it is on Southern Expression, archaic and modern.  Lots
of old timey stuff in it, like my grandparents and great-grandparents
talked.  And yes, Big Momma, my paternal great grandmother didn't die until
I was in my teens.  I didn't write down the name, but it is a good sized
tome.  Might want to check it out.  And it was a serious attempt, not a make
fun of the accent type thang.
Margaret and The Mob
Maggie, I wished I never seen your face.
You made a first class fool out of me,
But I'm as blind as a fool can be.
You stole my heart, but I love you anyway.
Rod Stewart
[Posted in FML issue 2128]