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Ingella Arwidsson <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 09:08:59 +0100
text/plain (66 lines)
Hi all,
I am on the ferret list for approx. one year and I read each day, post
I have had ferrets since 1980, 8 individuals with different moods and
tastes, 2 and 3 at a time.
What strucks me when I read the ferret list, are all the cages - it seems to
me that almost everyone in the US keep their ferrets in cages and just let
them out to play.  I live in Sweden (Scandinavia) and I have never had my
ferrets in cages but when I drive them somewhere.  In the house they have
free access to everywhere (almost) but I have learnt through the years to
make my house ferret proof.  I lived in four different places since 1980 so
at each place I have had to start all over.  Where I live now, I have a
cupboard under the washbasin in the bathroom where I keep dirty laundry and
the ferrets immediately moved in there.  They have their litter between the
wall and the toilet (hardly to be seen) and they have chosen it all by
themselves.  This is very handy - all you have to think of is to let the
bathroom door just a little bit open so they can come and go as they like.
I also have a dog, a big poodle (he+s my husband's - ferrets are mine) and
he understood from the first day that the bathroom is banned territory for
him.  It is a problem when he must take a bath - he will probably never
understand why we want him to go into the bathroom then... We live second
floor with balcony.  I have plexi glass bolted to the floor so thet the
ferrets can neither fall out not walk to the neighbour's balcony.  They have
a house on the balcony where they sleep a lot in the summertime.  My ferrets
have always found new hidey holes but I have learnt to play it cool - sooner
or later they turn up or of they are locked in somewhere you will hear them
when they wake up.  One that I had was a real Houdini.  All of a sudden he
was gone and sometimes I never could figure out how he escaped - but I got
him back every time, once after 5 days.
So folks - let go of cages - use those only for transport.  For many years I
brought my three little friends that I had then to the office each morning.
They used to run to the cage when they saw me almost ready for leaving.I
dont do that nowadays because my husband works a lot at home.  Reason why I
did, was to try to get them into my day rythm which succeeded very well.
The dog and the youngest ferret play a lot - mostly with a teddy bear.  The
eldest ferret does not like the dog very much but they respect each other.
In the kitchen each has his foodbowl and they do not eat of each others.  I
feed the ferrets cat's food (dry) which they like a lot and which does not
sting when they drag it under here and there.  The dog is fed human food
which the ferrets do not like anyway.  When the dog first moved in a year
ago, he used to steal the ferret food but he has learnt not to.
I have also reacted to how you people in the US treat your little friends
for heart deseases, insulinoma, liver- and kidney problems etc.  Lots of
suffering and lots of money.  I do not do that.  When mine get a fatal
desease, I put them asleep (i.e. my veterinarian does) I think this is more
human then letting them through all kinds of treatments.  Of course I do not
put them asleep just like that, I first examine, look at the possibilities
of getting back to full health and then I take my decision.
All my ferrets before have had to walk over the rainbow bridge at an age of
8 years.  But now I have one male at probably 7 (was found) who has not been
ill one day since I got him 6 years ago and one female at the age of 6 who
had an adrenal desease but was cured with cortisone.  These seem to last
longer.  And when they go I get new ones.  They are very fascinating little
Let them out of their cages!!!!!!
Ingella Arwidsson @lamb.se
[Posted in FML issue 2337]