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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 9712 20435 35 16_Need Information7_EP & [log in to unmask], 16 Dec 1997 18:30:58 -0500366_- Starters....
I would like to get a ferret. Bandit we got from a store and he was pretty
much full grown and out of baby stage. Tess we adopted. No I have no
problem with either just...... I want a baby!! I've never had one and I
need one. Both Bandit and Tess went great when they met and was gentle with
each other that I thof fun. One of my ferts, Foster, is afraid of it but the other guy, Farley,
thinks its the greatest thing in the world. It darts all over the place,
moving very erratically and backing up frequently. It's movements are
completely unpredictable. I think that is one of its attractions. [...]38_24Oct199715:55:[log in to unmask] 9710 21689 17 29_in need of .avi or .mov [log in to unmask], 24 Oct 1997 14:00:17 -0500382_- Hi, all! Well, we are going to be giving a talk on ferrets and
domestication to a bunch of high school students at the Zoo School here in
Lincoln in a couple of weeks, and I am in need of .avi or .mov files showing
the weasel wardance! I am going to be using a computer projector (a BIG
HELP! :) and would really like to show the students the wardance firsthand. [...]39_24Oct199714:00:[log in to unmask] 9710 21707 23 25_Becoming a shelter mom...15_Nancy [log in to unmask], 25 Oct 1997 00:23:43 -0400512_- Hi, all!!! It's me again. I have a few questions that I hope some of you
can help me with. I've considered starting a shelter, within the next five
years, but I wanted to know how to go about it. I wanted to know what kind
of things I would have to do and where I could find rescues. My sable
female, Arianna, is a rescue from my ex-boyfriend who didn't know how to
properly care for her (nor did I when I first got her, but boy did I learn
that with a lot of love anything is possible) [...]37_25Oct199700:23:[log in to unmask] 9710 21731 56 24_Elizabeth Tattles on Dad10_Bob [log in to unmask], 24 Oct 1997 09:08:31 -0500354_- HI FML! This is Elizabeth, daughter of Bad Bonehead Bob. Some of you might
remember me from before. I am at dad's house and using his computer because
I dropped mine and it is getting fixed. I'm also helping dad out with the
ferrets for awhile, mailing his emails for him, so if I make any mistakes,
then yell at him for it later, ok? [...]49_24Oct199709:08:[log in to unmask] 9710 21788 28 35_ferreties are playing? Or fighting?16_Christine [log in to unmask], 24 Oct 1997 09:55:48 -0500394_- Hello, everyone, and thanks for all the help, as usual!

Janice is doing great (although on the skinny side, but she really hasn't
lost any weight. Been feeding her whipping cream, but only for a day or
two. We'll see.) Puffo has almost doubled in size since I got him and shows
no signs of letting up. He talks in his sleep and waves his little white
feet in the air. [...]43_24Oct199709:55:[log in to unmask] 9710 21817 32 38_Regarding Eddie, the sad little ferret15_April [log in to unmask], 24 Oct 1997 13:12:24 -0400551_- I think that his behavior must be normal. I've had a similiar experience.

Almost a year ago, I got a female mitt for Christmas. We already had one
ferret (Seth, or , as we often times call him, Skunka) and we had had him
over a year. When we brought the new baby in, Skunka started acting
depressed. Instead of following me around at my heels when I opened his
cage, he would just lay there. He wouldn't eat because he had to share his
food with Minnie. He wouldn't play and he wouldn't have anything to do with
Minnie [...]51_24Oct199713:12:[log in to unmask] 9710 21850 28 22_Abusive ferret control15_Edward [log in to unmask], 24 Oct 1997 10:32:08 +0000476_- For CSC-SCC's benef
Fri, 24 Oct 1997 13:18:35 -0400
text/plain (52 lines)
You can never be too careful.
Today while our crew of 11 were out playing, my wife, Joan, went out on the
screen porch to bring in the big shop vacuum for some heavy duty cleaning.
The screen porch area has always been our ferret's favorite playground, but
the cold weather here in New England has kept their playground closed.
Today the sun was shining, and although it wasn't exactly warm outside, it
wasn't cold either, so she decided to give the ferrets a treat and let them
out to play on the porch.  Of course it didn't take an engraved invitation,
and all 11 scampered out to romp.
Joan continued with the cleaning for another hour.  By then it was ferret
nap time for our crew, and time for part of the shelter crew to play.  She
easily found 5 of ours.  They had already put themselves to bed.  That left
6 to round up.
She looked out on the porch - no ferrets there.  She searched their favorite
sleep spots - none there.  Joan began to get a little concerned.  Not overly
so, since we usually have to hunt down at least one or two who are
constantly finding out-of-the-way places.  Joan began looking where she had
looked before, beginning with the porch.  This time she was horrified to see
that the door leading off the porch was standing open about 6 inches, and
realized that it had probably been left open from the previous day when she
had gone outside.
She began calling ferrets, while running out onto the lawn.  Loki, our dark
eyed white, poked his head up over the bulkhead at the first call.  One
down; five to go.
Joan grabbed Loki, then spotted Valentine in the middle of the yard checking
out the roots of a rose bush.  Two down; four to go.
Then Mynee poked her gray head through the wooden steps leading down from
the porch.  As Joan grabbed Mynee, she noticed Bud under the porch.  He came
to her call.  Two to go.
Joan saw Garfunkle under the main porch, fast asleep.  She had to crawl
under the porch to get him.  When Garf sleeps, he SLEEPS.  One to go.  "Why
is it always one?" Joan was asking herself, feeling the first twinges of
panic.  We live in a very wooded area, with miles and miles of miles and
miles.  One was missing, and could be anywhere.  Joan called and called.
She turned around to go to the other side of the house, and there, right at
her feet, looking up at her as if to say, "Yes?  Was there something you
wanted?" stood Spook, our Halloween ferret of 4 year ago, the sixth and
final MIA.
You can never be too careful.
Dick B.
[Posted in FML issue 2104]