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Sat, 18 Oct 1997 00:10:00 -0400
text/plain (57 lines)
Well, tonight as i was cleaning the litter box in the cage I noticed a
greenish poop (and my heart jumped to my throat)!  Most of it seemed a
normal consistancy, but was a pale greenish color.  And part of it was a
slimier green-brown color.  So, should i be worried?  I only found one
little poop like this, and all the rest are normal.  I have 2 ferrets, Zaire
and Baijan (brought him home just a week ago, a "rescue" from a lousy home).
So I have no idea who's poop it was.  But then I am also wondering if
possibly one of them had eatten some grass while outside this afternoon &
the poop is simply green from the grass??
At any rate, I will be watching them like hawks for the next few days & see
if there is any more.  I do have a vet appointment on Monday for shots &
check-ups, so I suppose if I have any further problems I can bring it up
then with the vet.
Also, I would like to take the time to let you all know of the progress of
Baijan this past week.  I picked him up last Saturday from Melanie Hawkins
in MD.  He was a very adorable little guy!  Beautiful dark sable.  But he
was very thin & very scared.  Guess he'd been kept in a very tiny cage all
the time, and feed poor cat food.  I could feel all his little bones poking
out when I would hold him.  And he was completely terrified of any other
ferrets.  He just didn't know how to react, since he'd probably not been
around any other animals in a LONG time.  So, I watched while Zaire would
chase him, and poor Baijan would just run & "scream".  And when Zaire would
catch him, Baijan just made the most awful crying & screaming.  It was like
Zaire was killing him!  Of course Zaire, being the 3 month old that he is,
just wanted to run & jump & play & bite!
However, it only took Baijan a few days to stop his frightened crying.  And
now after only a week he is like a whole new ferret!  I am very happy to see
the changes so quickly.  He has started to run about, dancing & dooking.  He
initiates play with Zaire.  They are like the best of friends now.  Always
running & tumbling over one another, playing like mad.  Baijan has even
gained some weight in this past week, I can tell he feels a bit fatter, his
ribs aren't so noticable anymore.  He just looks & acts like he is very
happy.  Of course he is VERY stubborn when it comes to using the litter box.
I insist that the ferrets go potty before they come out of the cage for
playtime (otherwise i will find little presents in my bedroom=)).  The other
morning I spent 40 minutes of putting him in the litter box, he'd jump out &
back up into another corner, I'd put him back into the litter box, he'd jump
out... ;) One of these days he will learn.  Zaire on the other hand, I
simply say "Go potty!" and he will jump in the box & do his business!  =)
And I do try to give them little treats & praise when they do use the box.
Earlier this week I was at the dollar store & picked up 2 thick cloth
"placemats" that I thought would be nice to line their cage with.  Well,
once I got them home, I decided that they were the perfect size & material
for ferret hammocks.  But since i only had a needle & thread, I ended up
sewing one into a tube & sewing on 4 little round rings that i could slide
leather laces through to hang it with.  So now the ferrets have a nice round
sleeping tube.  And they love it!  Sometimes they are both in it wiggling &
packed in tight!  I will probably go find myself a grommet kit & start
making all sorts of fun hanging things for them.  =)
Aprille & the 2 crazies Zaire & Baijan.
[Posted in FML issue 2098]