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Tue, 9 Jun 1998 13:36:42 +0000
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
Hello to everyone on the FML, it has been a long time since I have posted,
but I have some news:
Thelma (my adrenal fert) is doing fine.  She only has a bit of hair: some
on her head, her paws and legs, and a long strip down her back - my mohawk
chick!!  She looks absolutely hilarious and adorable at the same time!!
She's such a riot too!!
I took her to the vet again last week and the decision is this: wait until
fall and see if she grows in more hair.  She is definately adrenal, but she
in fine other than the loss (lack) of hair.
So, that is the decision - no more surgeries on my baby unless it is pretty
serious.  She is quite fine though - she is super hyped, loves to play and
is still my great darling little girl!!
Her sister Louise is sick right now, we were at the vet last night - she
had runny (almost liquid) stools yesterday, so off we went.  I will get the
fecal results today some time.  I have to give her peptobismal and amoxy.  -
any tricks on helping her get the pepto into her - she hates it??
Some background info for my last question:
I brought a ferret home on Saturday last week (3 days ago) from the pet
store.  He had been there for 5.5 months, and was just not going to be
adopted.  (the guy gave him to me - a) he knows me quite well and knows I
will help, not hurt, the little fert b) he is at a loss of what else to do
with him) Needless to say, this little fert is not very well behaved!!  I
have named him Indy (after the Indy 500 because he is so fast!!)  He is
exactly like a sable except instead of brown he is shades of grey and white.
Absolutely beautiful.  He goes in for his shots on Thursday and hopefully
(please!!) he learns not to bite me too hard soon, and how to use his
litterbox!!  - we are slowly working on that - that I know will take lots
of time.
My two other boys - Bartles and Jaymes - are OK with him.  Bartles is
really gentle, etc... But Jaymes has left teeth marks and scratches on
Indy's neck.  It doesn't seem to bother Indy too much.  He freaks after a
while if Jaymes still won't let him go.  What I am wondering is - how far
do I let them fight?  Indy is 6 months old but he is pretty big.  Jaymes is
2 years and about 5 pounds.  Indy looks and acts like he can definately
hold his own (he's hyper enough!!) but I don't want him to get hurt too
badly!!  I did cover him in Ferretone for a while and that worked until it
wore off!!
I know all the "tricks" of what to do to try and get it to work, but it
never worked with Thelma and Louise, so my success rate is not that great!!
Thanks so much for any help and info,
Thelma (I am a mohawk indian!!) and Louise (my bumbum hurts!!)
Bartles (I am the nicest fert of them all) and Jaymes (I like to beat them
all up!!)
JD and Oscar - mutually agreeing their non-feline mother is insane
Indy - yippee I got adopted and taken home - boy Mom's fingers and hands
taste great, I think I'll just keep chomping a coulple more times on them!!
[Posted in FML issue 2335]