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Thu, 28 May 1998 15:50:38 -0700
Ariel White <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Regarding raw meat and the "best food" debate: I kept quiet, but now I must
speak.  Everyone has an opinion on this, and it could get weird, but why
don't we wait to see what Bob Church has to say in his posts on diet?  Not
that he's the living Ferret Bible (sorry, Bob), but he has spent a fair
amount of time doing the homework.  After the necessary background info, I
assume he means to give some practical advice.  I must say, I want to know
if my ferts are going to get raw flesh, too.
Kim- your ferrets sound like they're getting along *great*!!  No fighting?
Wow!  Someone on the FML once said rightly that the rule is "no blood, no
foul" for introductions (good thing we're talking about ferrets, not
humans).  Let 'em go, and if they're doing that well, I'd just use one cage.
Cindy- I use a supersoaker 100 (bwahaha) when I'm at my wits end with carpet
digging.  It doesn't have too much pressure, just enough to soak them past
the guard hairs and to the skin (rule: aims to the bottom end only).  Boy,
you should see the dance and the scurry when it hits!  Of course, like
Barb's, they immediately must come over and investigate the evil contraption
-and lick the water.  Have you ever seen a ferret licking the end of a
gigantic supersoaker?  Quite the picture.  Do you know what it's like to
hold one in your hand and point it at ferret?  Like using an rifle to kill
an ant.  Anyways, now all I have to do is pick it up, and the squeak of the
plastic is dissuasion enough.  I originally tried with one of those garden
spray bottles: not as effective.
Shizuka- I would consider the source of your info.  I'm sure the
Californians will post their own response, but it's safe to say that your
ferret is *very* illegal to own in that hostile state, not just sell.
On that note, I will cease.  Update on Taz's adrenal surgery tomorrow.
Jasper, Taz and Baxter
[Posted in FML issue 2323]