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Sun, 24 May 1998 01:43:09 -0400
Kymberlie Becker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
Hi all!
Some days I think that people just like to start controversy! (Hi Bill <g>)
Bill, in theory you are probably completely correct that the term "exotic"
is used loosely to cover all pets that are unusual, out of the mainstream.
I've caught myself having conversations about exotics and mentioning ferrets
without thinking.  However, if you ask the folks in California, I'm sure
they would argue your point that we should just allow this misconception go
on so that we can get more publicity.  The fact of the matter is that an
"exotic" pet BY DEFINITION is one that is also found in the wild.  Tigers
as pets are exotic.  Exotic birds are, duh, exotic <g>.  Iguanas are
exotic.  Ferrets are domestic!
Are we splitting hairs here?  No.  Why not?  Because when we are in the
midst of fighting a war with California over whether or not ferrets are
wild, we can't afford to be careless with our terminology and call ferrets
exotic.  If we all put on our websites that ferrets are exotic pets, it
would come back and bite us by legislators saying "even the so-and-so
organization calls them exotic, meaning they are found in the wild".  And
if you want to argue that legislators wouldn't, then just look at the
uninformed public.  People who go to exotic web rings and see ferrets
included may infer that ferrets are also found in the wild, then they'll
tell people "I know that there are wild ferrets, they're an exotic pet..."
and so on down the line.  This is how misconceptions start.  Ya never know,
maybe that's how ferrets wound up misclassified as wild in California in
the first place!
I fight SO hard in my work as an educator about ferrets to dispel
miscommunications. While in a perfect world, you might be right, ferrets
are in a way exotic, I am not ready to be careless in this terminology when
stupid misconceptions are keeping thousands of ferrets in the closet in
YI: About the Exotic Critter Circle that I wrote about a few days ago:
David, the person who is starting the Circle, wrote back in response to my
message stating that I could not allow my website to join the circle because
ferrets aren't exotic.  He said that he had received other messages stating
similar concerns, and has offered to drop the Exotic from the name.  It's
now just the Critter Circle.  I was SO impressed that someone finally
listened to people's concerns rather than scoff and do thier own thing.  I
will be joining the Critter Circle and I highly recommend everyone else out
there with a ferret-related website to do the same, if for no other reason,
then because the owner of the circle is RESPONSIBLE.  For more information
about the Critter Circle, e-mail [log in to unmask] and tell David I sent
you or visit the Pawprints website at
http://www.nwlink.com/~pawprint/critter_circle.html.  NOTE: At the moment
this site still reflects the name Exotic Critter Circle; David is creating a
new logo and updating the site to drop the Exotic, so when you get there
don't be surprised to see the word Exotic still there.  Please write to him
and express your thanks!
Kymberlie Becker Barone
Director, Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
Montgomery County Branch
"Forget Puppy Love...There's nothing Greater than Ferret Love!" TM
[Posted in FML issue 2318]