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Tue, 19 May 1998 14:11:40 -0500
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Call me a masochist, but I wanted to get into this debate. Now, I am neither
a shelter nor a breeder, just a fuzzy lover with an opinion or two. First of
all, I think the debate is starting to border on personal...some of the
responses are starting to sound a little...violent, for lack of a better
word. It's all well and good to vigorously support your opinion, especially
if you have a valid point, but it's getting close to the point where people
are going to start flaming, and I wish we could avoid that. OK, I'll stop
preaching now. Here's my opinion: I don't think there's anything wrong with
a breeder being a shelter or a shelter being a breeder. What I do think is
wrong is when a shelter or a breeder is irresponsible. Shelters and breeders
offer two very different services, and both services are in demand from
ferret owners. IMO, if a breeder/shelter is responsible, they care about the
welfare of the animal first and foremost. They take good care of their
fuzzies, are knowledgeable about them, and do their best to see that their
ferrets get placed into loving, responsible homes. It is not always possible
to tell who will make a good parent to the ferret, and mistakes do happen,
but I believe potential owners should be screened and educated by breeders
and shelters. There are some people who are indeed not fit to own pets, and
they can hopefully be weeded out. Out of concern for my fuzzies, if I was a
shelter/breeder I would go so far as to trying to maintain relationships and
check up on my kids after they'd been placed if possible, but that's just
me. :)  If there were no breeders, there would be no more ferrets, and I
don't think that's what this list is here to accomplish.  I think becoming a
shelter is a natural part of being a breeder...for whatever reason ferrets
are given up, they seem to find their ways to people who will care for them,
and often times those people are breeders already.  What fuzzy lover could
turn away a ferret in need?  I know I couldn't.  I don't think being a
breeder is bad.  Some breeders are bad (acting in ways that are not in the
best interest of ferrets), and that is an issue we, as ferret lovers, should
worry about.  This was an issue that needed to be addressed, but rather than
wasting time arguing about whose opinion is better, we should focus that
energy on working to make our fuzzies lives better.  Those of you who feel
shelters shouldn't be breeders, would you argue that breeders shouldn't be
shelters?  Or would you rather there were no breeders (and hence, no
ferrets) at all?  It's a two way street.  Without one, the other would cease
to exist.  I'll get off my soapbox now.  Kristi and the Mustelid Mob of
Mayhem Mayonnaise, Clover, Luna, and new baby Loki see the crew at:
Reach me by ICQ. My ICQ# is 194656 or,
* Page me online through my Personal Communication Center:
http://wwp.mirabilis.com/194656 (go there and try it!) or,
* Send me E-mail Express directly to my computer screen
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ferrets are like potato chips...you can't have just one!
[Posted in FML issue 2314]