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Sun, 17 May 1998 23:55:50 -0400
Juliana Quadrozzi - GA Domestic Ferret Association <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (161 lines)
>Subject: zen dwells abit on shelter ethics
>>It really is a shame that what could be an informative perspective,whether
>>in agreement or not, should lose all consideration & respect because of
>>the personal need to include completely unnecessary & uncalled-for, snide
>Something about pots and kettles comes to mind.  We'll leave it at that.
Instead of another defensive comment, why didn't you address the issue.  It
isn't necessary to include derogatory comments.   Whether I agree w/you or
not, it isn't what you say but how you say it.
>Apparently though you REALLY misunderstood our post:
>>others whose only consideration is that the ferret doesn't wind up as pet
>That was only ONE example of what might disqualify someone - meant
>ironically in jest.  Please read more carefully before you get so upset.
Apparently, you misunderstood mine.  I was making the point that there are
extremes on both sides.  I only used your very good example.
I can only read what's in print, & that's all there was.  Unfortunately,
voice inflections don't carry over.
I disagree w/you but if I were upset, I would have contacted you privately.
You presented an extreme w/your opinion.  I posted my response to the issue.
>Some folks call and if the very first question is "what can I get for $10?"
>the answer is "nothing".  If they argue that we should give them away we
>likewise turn off the conversation quickly.  We have declined to place a
>ferret which someone wanted to chase pigeons out of their barn.  There have
>been too many cases to list them all.
>BUT... we will not be guilty of economic prejudice.  We will not consider
>ourselves better than people who want to adopt ferrets.  We will not place
>ferrets in what we think is a dangerous situation.
So, you do pass judgement in deciding who is acceptable & are one of the
shelter operators who are convinced they and they alone can decide who is
a suitable owner for one of your ferrets?
>We placed a pair of ferrets with a family that was obviously poor but
>equally obviously caring.  We disagree with several people some of whom we
>deeply respect on this issue.  This family had already had a ferret but it
>had died (yes they do die) and the tears of joy from the families little
>girl when we delivered (meaning we saw the home) made us quite sure that
>this ferret would be loved.  If we didn't place this pair of ferrets then
>this family would have had to spend even more money to get pets from a pet
>store.  Its better that those funds would have gone to food than to paying
>a purchase price.  It reduced the shelter population.  Whats the problem?
>No other placement of ferrets has ever made us feel better about the world.
Well, we do agree on some points.
>>money-hungry breeders that will sell pets unconditionally.
>Or money hungry shelters.  They do exist.  We won't get into naming names.
I am well aware that profiteering shelters exist.  I also believe that most
aren't.  But you're not playing nice if you take what I said out of context.
You shouldn't take everything so defensively.  From what I've read in your
posts, it never crossed my mind that you were into breeding for anything
less than their future well-being.  What I did say was...
"It isn't in the best interest of the ferrets, or any pet for that matter,
to base the decision to do an adoption on overpopulation.  Even animal
control agencies & humane societies have adoption guidelines - it's usually
only pet stores or money-hungry breeders that will sell pets
unconditionally.  Hopefully more prisons don't take the same position to
release due to overpopulation."
>>Let's talk a little bit about shelters creating their own overpopulation
>We brought the point up so sure...  Everyone knows you mean us though you
>don't use our names.
Yes, like you I respond in agreement or disagreement to posts.  I was just
trying to be a little more diplomatic about it.  I didn't think it was
necessary to point a finger.  I was presenting my opinion about shelter
overpopulation, the way you presented yours.  I disagreed w/you & you took
it personally.  Why?
>>I realize that unfortunate situations like that exist, but to generalize,
>>& insinuate that shelter overpopulation is a result of restrictive adoption
>>requirements is ludicrous.
>In your estimation perhaps its ludicrous.  In our experience we see it
>happening.  Not all shelters of course, we never said it was.  You again
>badly misunderstand us.  No generalization was made.
Again, I strongly disagree w/you.  How much do you see it happening,
because you present it as being most of the time.
Overpopulation is a result of too many unwanted ferrets.  If there was a
good transportation system in place to take ferret to areas where they don't
have ferrets to adopt, it might ease the burden, but it will never totally
eliminate irresponsible owners.  What some may consider overly restrictive
adoption practices can contribute to the overload, but it doesn't cause the
problem.  Unwanted ferrets are the cause of shelter overpopulation.
>Some "shelters" are full at 6 ferrets.  Others feel they are lucky when
>they get down to 40.  Some are constantly taking in and placing ferrets.
>Some are just collections masquarading as shelters.
Very true.
>>And to say that those unfortunate shelters w/exorbitant outstanding
>>expenses are a product of their own making, is completely self-serving.
>Gosh who said that!  But in some cases it is true.  Mismanagement of the
>shelter is putting them in financial ruin.  Some are well run but do so
>much good they too are "running in the red".
>But pray tell, how is it self serving?  What good could we possibly get
>out of playing the outspoken child from "The Emperors New Clothes"?  We
>get rather much pain from some of the zealots on this list.
So what's you advice & guidance?  Do we turn away ferrets that will most
probably continue to be neglected because they are unwanted?  Do we let the
unadoptable sick ferrets die & kill the biters to free up space?  Do we tell
animal controls & humane societies, sorry do what you gotta do, because
we're not taking the strays anymore?  If the ferrets keep coming in & the
expenses continue to grow, how do we not run in the red?  You have plenty
to say about what everyone's doing wrong.  You have yet to contribute any
possible solutions.  How do you do it that makes you so far superior to the
rest of us?
You don't come across as the innocent child.  You're very quick to point a
>>It's always very easy for self-righteous individuals to pass judgement,
>>when they don't have to deal w/the problems that others endure.  For them
>>we are the tree in the forest.
>Yes it is apparently easy for you to pass judgement on people.  You did on
>us with out ever having met us.
Again you didn't address the point I was making.  You voice very strong
opinions about situations you don't experience.  You're very outspoken
about what other shelters should & should not do, when you're not in the
same position.
>We just don't get into bragging about how good we are because we "do so
>much" and how bad everyone else is because all the ferrets we get were
I don't consider the personal experiences, heartaches, efforts, tragedies, &
joys posted in this list, bragging.  That's what the FML is all about.  But
I do consider anyone who neglects or abuses his or her pets "bad."
>Understand the real situation before you pass judgement.
My opinions are my own.
Juliana Quadrozzi, Foster Mom
GA Domestic Ferret Association
visit our web page at:  http://www.mindspring.com/~jcrow/gdfa/index.html
[Posted in FML issue 2311]