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Wed, 6 May 1998 13:33:58 +0100
Kaye FitzGerald-Gorham <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
>From:    MAREE CLAPHAM <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Diet and adrenal disease
>Does anyone have a ferret which has developed adrenal disease on a diet
>similar to the one I have just described which does not include the
>"complete" formulated dry foods ?
Hi Maree,
I live in the UK where we feed the same type of diet as you with some dry
food (we only have "James Wellbeloved" complete ferret food over her).I
asked this question some time ago and got all sorts of replies from the
"you're mistreating your ferrets by feeding that" to the "well if it works
for you" etc.  I think it's horses for courses.....if your ferrets seem fine
on what you feed them,don't worry too much.I got panicky a month or so back
thinking one of my ferrets had insuloma from reading FML,till Sheila
Crompton pointed out our UK ferrets very rarely suffer from it......... I've
just got a ferret who swings the lead when he doesn't want to go walkies!
You seem to have your ferrets' food sussed with the fat and bone etc sorted
out so I wouldn't worry too much.A lot of people from the US pointed out to
me that one of the reasons they don't feed their ferrets on raw meat is that
they don't trust what's in it...........just be thankful you live somewhere
that you can!
[Posted in FML issue 2300]