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Thu, 7 May 1998 00:27:10 EDT
HelenT7639 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Hi, just wanted to let you know that Annie is doing well, spleen still
enlarged but no more blood in the urine and she is off tha amoxi.
Thats the good news and the bad new is that Franklin went in last Friday for
explor surgery because he stopped eating solid food and was sleeping all the
time.  Had dirreha.  I found part of a little rubber ball with a piece
missing so we thought he had eaten it.  The surgery showed nothing there
and all the organs look very good.  The verdice was to treat him for
helicobacter.  Amoxi in the morning and flagel at night with pepto every 12
hours but know I am starting him on it every 6 hours because he has
increased his gumming and pawing at his mouth.  He is eating duck soup.  He
is up to 2 ice cubes microwaved every 4 hours and has started gaining his
wait back.  Since last fridays surgery he has gained 4 ozs.  Soup consists
of sustacal, ferretone, colloidal silver, kibbles soaked in water and
chopped.  After I heat it up I started adding a 1/2 tsp of baby chicken
food.  I think it makes it to thick because he didn't really want to eat it
but I spoon feed him and he ate it all.  I will add water and see if that
solves the problem.
Anyway I read the faq on helicobacter and in it it said that they were
working on a blood test for this.  Does anyone know if they did this and
what it called?  Frankin had blood tests done and hematocrit was low at
40.7, glucose low at 32, total protein low at 4.8, globulin low at 2.4, and
uric acid low at 0.9.  The blood was taking right after surger so this could
be the reason for some of them to be low.
He is still not interested in solid foods but the weight gain is
incouraging.  If anyone has any ideas or info I would greatly appreciate
all the help I can get to cure this.  Does Dr. Bruce Williams have anything
else on this that he has published?  I ordered the book Ferrets, Rodents &
rabbits but have not received it as of yet.  This seems to be hard to
comeby.  I have been tring to get it for 3 months.
Thanks for listing and any info that comes our way.
Huges and kisses
[Posted in FML issue 2300]