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Thu, 2 Apr 1998 20:21:05 -0500
Georgette Peters <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Howdy there ya'll!  As some of you know, Randy Belair is the 'den-mother' of
a ferret shelter in Mississauga, Ontario and there will be a fund raiser for
the shelter in June.  To help raise funds, myself and a group of friends are
making little ferret sleeping bags and hammocks out of old jeans, corduroys
and shirts.  I'm hoping that the concept of using recycled materials will
appeal to folks.
Anyways, I also make stuffed animals from purchased patterns for friends and
family (not for profit).  I was looking at one or two of my patterns and
thinking that if I changed some of the features (nose, ears, tail), I could
make them look at least somewhat ferrety!  Now this might be an idea to
consider for the NEXT fund-raiser - afterall, you can only have so many
sleeping bags and hammocks - though we'll make more of those if they go over
well for those who might be new the ferret parent thing!  However, I want to
know what kind of trouble I could get in over making such an item for profit
for a charitable cause!  If anyone knows the legalese of this, please let me
know since I'd hate to cause problems for myself and the shelter and I'd
hate to get all excited about the idea and have to abandon it completely!
Thanks alot! Take care and hugs to all!
George, Jasper and the Tribe (we're soooooooooo cute mom - you can use us
as models!!!)
Georgette Peters                            Nothing is fool-proof to a
Steacie Science Library                     sufficiently talented fool.
York University
4700 Keele Street                                     *****
North York, Ontario                                 *********
M3J 1P3                                               *****
                                             Dook, dook, bjork, bjork!
e-mail - [log in to unmask]                        - Swedish Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 2266]