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Wed, 1 Apr 1998 00:46:09 -0500
alphachi <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (80 lines)
>have to blow off some steam.  I am so tired of reading need home for ferret
>b/c we don't have enough time.  I wish people would correctly state this.
>shame on you.
>[Moderator's note: But not to discourage the "need a home" posts either.
>The alternatives, like letting a ferret loose, are not preferable.  BIG]
Bev, while I understand your position, I am very confused by your post and
its point.  Are you trying to discourage the use of this largest of ferret
forums as a viable avenue for ferret adoption?  Are you trying to make the
individuals who post these "ads" feel guilty?  Are you trying to make
everyone feel the same as you?
Bev, while you can certainly help accomplish the first two by your posts,
the last is quite improbable.  Nor will any of your post abrogate the
giving up and adopting of ferrets.  As long as people give up babies and
children in their life, pets of all kinds will undoubtedly suffer the same
Perhaps, as many, the owners were unprepared for the trials and
tribulations of ferret ownership.  Perhaps as real life events take their
tolls or cause major shifts in one's home or lifestyle, ferrets will find
themselves looking for a new home.  It is not necessary to always think the
worst in people, and while you or I could not give up a ferret for any
reason(so far), this does not mean all follow that path of devotion nor
does it mean they are evil for *not* doing so.
Bev, like I said, I'm not going to pretend I don't understand the sentiment
of your post, and I believe it is an honest and gut reaction.  But that
does not make it right, does it?
Some of our shelters in FLorida are overloaded, while others have only a
few.  Often it is an issue of logistics.  This list can better serve to
coordinate adoptions or facilitate relocations perhaps better than *any*
other single source.  Do you really wish to hamper this?  As BIG clearly
states the alternatives are far worse.
What do you realistically expect to see?  "Hi ferret lovers, we're tired of
ours and want to get rid of her, any ideas?" First, it is entirely possible
that this would not be a true explanation.  Second, even in the event it
was accurate, it would not be human nature nor would it be highly
productive to do so, unless the point was to direct heaps of nasty "hate
mail" to oneself.
For some, for whatever reason, the ferret is displaced.  Who really knows
the hierarchy of their decision?  And who is the final judge, you?  For
some it is financial, for others environmental, and for some it is
emotional.  Bev, why not berate a young woman on the way out from the
hospital for giving up her child for reasons she has thought about more
than you could probably imagine?  People make mistakes, life throws us a
curve from time to time, and perhaps the ferret *would* be better placed in
a new and available home.
So please, to all readers of the FML, lurkers and temps included, please do
post *any* requests for new homes if this is what is truly needed.  Most
welcome the opportunity to help and place the ferret.
Please understand that while a few may object vehemently, or wish to hurl
insults or personal values, most welcome the opportunity to help and place
the ferret.  Please do *not* just let your ferret go, or simply relocate
him or her to the first door that is open.  There are many experts here who
have perhaps too great of experience in doing so, and can at the very least,
offer some sound and *productive* advice.  Of course, they will talk about
exploring alternatives or possible solutions that will not necessitate the
relocation of the ferret.  But most will discuss this with the best of
intention and understanding.
Bev, I am *not* cutting you down, just calling you out on your post.  Please
understand I wish you no ill.  Perhaps you could clear up what the true and
viable point of your post really was.  Since the only possibilities I could
see and stated seemed very dismal.
Let's face it, we are not "typical" ferret owners.  Some of us spend a great
deal of time on these forums, and for some, tragically, it appears it is
their whole life.
best wishes,
until next time,
[Posted in FML issue 2264]