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Sun, 29 Mar 1998 09:49:11 -0800
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Hi there!  Congradulations on your choice of doggies!  Years ago one of the
sweetest dogs I've owned was a Siberian bitch...Kavik!  I brought her into
a house with an adult cat.  Previously I had had a little dog of unknown
heritage.  The cat had accepted that pup but when Skokie (the mutt) died,
the cat really wanted nothing to do with another dog!  ( the cat had
scratched Kavik in the eye and Kavik lost some vision...but Kavik always
loved Charlie)  Needless to say, ferrets arent cats!  Your ferret will most
likely bond very quickly with your new pup!  Siberian huskies can be quite
nasty with small animals., Ie: My sibe would eat groundhogs, rabbits and
even tried to eat a porcupine!  (I had an enormous vet bill for that)
Siberian Huskies can also be bad for killing cats and eating them!  Don't
panic!  My siberian was raised with a cat...and absolutely adored cats!  We
had to get another cat when Charlie ran away after a big move.  Kavik would
destroy the house!  As soon as we brought home another kitten she was in her
glory!  I rescued some young kittens once...kept them in a box under the
bed( still being seringe fed due to young age) I came home one day to find
Kavik had pulled the box out from under the bed and she was lying on the
floor with all the little kittens crawling over her!  Whatever the dog is
raised with it will see as a friend.  Siberians are gentle dogs but they
can't help it if small animals seem to be food to them!!  Take your puppy
around and introduce it to other small critters...friend's new kitten etc!
I have little doubt that your ferret will love your new puppy!  Siberians
have lovely fur to play in and are gentle and tolerable to all kinds of
crimes commited by ferret rough housing!  Siberians are also very
trustworthy with children (and anyone who wants to break into your
house..hahah) One little hint with huskies....definately buy a kennel/crate
for her!  Huskies can be a challenge to housebreak without one!  ) ONce the
puppy is fully housebroken....and past the "eat your house" stage.....only
then consider leaving her loose when your not at home!!  I have found that
if you never allow a bad habit to form in the early years, then you will
have a wonderfully behaved companion!  By the way, what a lovely duo they
will make...one who is a bit smellie and one who smells like a powder
puff...Unless wet of course!!
Deb and Troop!
[Posted in FML issue 2262]