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Sat, 28 Mar 1998 02:14:47 -0500
Kymberlie Becker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
Hi Everyone:
I know that the FML family is a very passionate, vocal bunch who often times
jump on ferret issues, with only good intentions, after hearing what can
only be called rumors.  I know that the FML will probably be flooded with
talk about the Spokane issue again, so before we even hear it, I want to
get this off my chest.
Nobody on the FML knows what happened in Spokane.  I sure don't, I probably
know less than most.  All I do know is that some ferrets (it doesn't matter
if it was 93 or 20, but I like the number 20 much better...) were horribly
tortured by someone.  Could have been Lance, and heck, sure it could have
been Jean.  It could have been someone that broke in.  It does no good to
guess at this point, especially for those of us that are not in or near
There are two things that are very, very important to remember in this
issue.  I am very sincerely asking that everyone read what I have to say
and try to take it to heart.
First, please do not attack Jean on these accusations.  Do not assume just
because it's a rumor that she did this herself that she actually *did* do
it.  The police and prosecutor are still trying to ascertain what happened,
they are closer to the situation than most of us.  Trust in them.  I know
that might not be easy to do, especially for those of us who are impassioned
and want justice for ferrets first.  *I* want justice for ferrets first.
But please take a minute to put yourself in Jean's shoes, and imagine that
without a doubt she did not do this... if she is indeed innocent, this poor
woman went through HELL when she discovered this tragedy.  Imagine what it
would do to her if now the entire ferret community believed she was guilty.
Please, don't go on your passion, wait until we know facts.  If she is
guilty, then I'm out of this... it would be incomprehensible to think that
she did this, but if she did, then she should pay.  But what I am saying is
that we ALL know that the press is not always reliable.  Don't ruin
someone's life without fact.
The second thing is this.  When you get down to the heart of the matter, it
doesn't matter who did this to the ferrets.  The fact is, it was done, and
ferrets were sick and dying and needed help.  For everyone who sent
donations of money and medicine, it was sent to the ferrets, not to Jean.
The rumor that Jean did this because she couldn't afford to buy high quality
food is garbage, that much I know, because if someone was that desperate for
money to feed their ferrets better food, they sure wouldn't kill the ferrets
to get the money.  My point here is I know someone out there is going to say
"I'm not ever going to send money to another cause..." well that's not
right.  No matter what, donations sent to Spokane went to the ferrets, that
is proven.  And that is all that mattered at the time, and that should be
all that matters now.  I'll put it another way... if Jean had done this
herself and the ferrets were suffering, wouldn't you still send money to
help save the ferrets?  Of course in that case, I'd hope the ferrets
wouldn't still be in her care, but still...point being, even if you *knew*
she did it, wouldn't you still want to help the ferrets?  Please do not stop
helping out shelters or responding to causes.  It's always for the ferrets.
We are all a part of the FML family, which is about the ferrets first.
Please think before you post any thoughts, before you contact Jean, or even
simply discuss this with other ferret friends.  If Jean is guilty, God help
her.  But at this point, we have a horrible rumor circulating, and it is not
fair to believe it just because it's in print.
Just my .02 cents.
Kymberlie Becker Barone
Director, Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
"Forget Puppy Love...There's nothing Greater than Ferret Love!" TM
[Posted in FML issue 2260]