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Thu, 26 Mar 1998 14:42:34 -0600
Joyce Henkel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Sorry about the first post but was bumped off the system and had to send it
off quickly.
The results of the blood work indicated that the glucose level was high but
the vet thought that it was due to having given BO the honey earlier.  Will
have this checked.  Xrays showed no fractures or breaks but the vet wasn't
quite sure about what size his heart should be.  Bo is 20 months old.  She
said that when ferrets get to playing that sometimes they will just collapse
from exhaustion.  But I don't think this is the case with Bo.
I called the regular vet today and have a follow up appointment on Tues for
bloodwork and xray (?).
Can ferrets at a young age develop cardiomyopathy & insulinoma.  I've been
so careful about the extra treats and play time so that they wouldn't be
subjected to these diseases.  Could the shock of having his leg caught
somehow and him pulling on it have something to do with the collapse (very
limp like a dish rag)?  Could the roughhousing that they were doing, like
one biting the other in the shoulder area be the cause of the sore leg?
Some helpful insights from any of you would be appreciated.  Any
suggestions on how to keep him calm during his recuperation?  He wanted so
much to get out and play this morning but kept telling him he had to take
it easy.
Needless to say I'm having a hard time concentrating at work today worrying
about him.  I would love to bring him into work and keep my eye one him here
but I don't think that will go over very well.
Any suggestions on what I can give him to relieve the pain?  the vets didn't
have any suggestions on this because of his size.  He weighs 2.5 lbs and
otherwise very healthy.
Thanks to all in advance.
One very hurt Bo
Tye missing Bo but in the same room not the same cage.
[Posted in FML issue 2259]